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Everything posted by Pudman

  1. Glad you liked it! I should have asked Coach Woodson when I saw him at Bloomingfoods the other day! But, nah...I think I like being a faculty member and teaching too much. But, perhaps he'll hire my students!
  2. Perhaps this might be a good thread to add this to, or perhaps not. I'll let the mods decide. I got curious the other day about where the players have been taking their shots on the court. My curiosity was sparked when someone was chatting about where PS tends to take his shots, and how he rarely, if ever, drives. So, I found a dataset on Sportsradar that has play-by-play data for every game any includes x/y coordinates. Using that dataset, I put together this dashboard of player shot selection, type, and where the shots are taken on the court. Let me know what you all think! https://public.tableau.com/views/IUMBB20212022ShotChart/Dashboard1?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link I thought it would be fun to put this together, since winter break between semesters is long and I need something to do. Plus, it could be fun to have my students create this in a data viz class I teach.
  3. Happy to explain, I love looking at charts. Sorry to hear about your wife's uncle. It was a sad and devastating war for both sides. I've spoken with many vets through Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia and their stories are hard, as are ours. If you can go, you should go. The north of Vietnam is spectacular. It is the first place I want to go with my wife when we can (actually, we plan to backpack Scotland first ). The people are so lovely and welcoming to Americans. I have so many found memories from living there. I'd move back there in a heartbeat if I didn't have a faculty position at the greatest University (I am sure you can guess which!).
  4. Long time lurker, first time poster (just created an account!) If you click on the chart, that only represents those who have received one dose. For those who have received both, it is only 1.1%. Furthermore, that large spike in one-dose vaccination rates only represents 11.4% of the population. Vietnam has 97 million residents, most of which are packed into densely populated cities. I lived in Hanoi, Vietnam from 2008 till 2010. It was an amazing city. I love every minute of it, but their infrastructure is terrible. I had to sit on people's laps on the city busses. I can only imagine what they are going through now with the Delta variant given how densely populated much of the country is.
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