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Any Ancient History Buffs?

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I’ve been reading and watching a lot of stuff for about two years about ancient lost civilizations and the potential of there being a very different understanding of human history than we realize. That if we go back to the hunter and gatherer stage of history there might have been a much more advanced civilization that pre-dates that era and was washed away at the end of the Younger Dryas. 

Things like Gobleki Tepe, Doggerland, The Sphinx, ancient maps, etc are absolutely fascinating to me. 

Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on podcasts, books, lectures etc? 

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I’m a history floater. The last several years have been this niche. Just so many questions that do NOT fit into the traditionally accepted mold of modern man beginning 6,000-10,000 years ago and everything before that was just hunter/gatherers for the next 100,000+ years before that. 

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52 minutes ago, Zlinedavid said:

I enjoy history in general. To me, one of the most fascinating is actually the middle east during Biblical times from a purely historic perspective. There is a lot we don't know from that era.


I concur.  Some of the best discussions I have been around are those involving level headed Bible types talking about those times.  Scientifically, those places existed.  Particularly Noah's Ark fascinates me.

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3 hours ago, BADGERVOL said:

As far as “are there things in they are we can’t intensify?” Yes. 

Flying Saucers with aliens in them? HIGHLY unlikely. So much so I just say no. 

Read the Fermi Paradox...GOOD STUFF

Not going to get in a discussion but to think we are the smartest most advanced species in the universe is HIGHLY unlikely and if we are VERY disappointing.

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26 minutes ago, Cutter said:

Not going to get in a discussion but to think we are the smartest most advanced species in the universe is HIGHLY unlikely and if we are VERY disappointing.

Exactly what I thought until I read the Fermi paradox. It’s not some book written by some dude it’s a hypothesis factoring in mathematical odds, and probable situations in the universe.  It explores the quagmire of the fact that mathematically we should not be alone and yet there’s plenty of reasons for why we would never make contact with anything that would exist out there. 

Im not saying we are alone but we likely won’t hear from them and if we do we are probably screwed.

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51 minutes ago, Cutter said:

Not going to get in a discussion but to think we are the smartest most advanced species in the universe is HIGHLY unlikely and if we are VERY disappointing.

I look into the sky and it is hard to fathom we are alone.

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2 hours ago, Cutter said:

Very interesting I liked to read different thoughts on all involved thanks for the link



First time I read it my brain BURNED and I had to read it again and let my head just simmer in it for a long time because of how much info was in it. You’re welcome. So fascinating 

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30 minutes ago, BADGERVOL said:

First time I read it my brain BURNED and I had to read it again and let my head just simmer in it for a long time because of how much info was in it. You’re welcome. So fascinating 

I apologize for not thanking you for the link as well...great stuff.

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