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Finally. Prime Time For The IU vs PU Pre-Game Thread

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Saturday. February 8.  A whole week to lick our wounds.

At the Assembly Place. As Robbie Hummel called it.

Time.  High noon in the High Country.  That's 2 pm. E.T. for you low land critters.

Guess you could call it national tv.  Game on ESPN2.  Rivalry game, and that can't put it on ESPN ? 

IU.  At 5-6 in B1G play.  About to enter the DANGER ZONE 


IU SUCKS !  IU SUCKS !  IU SUCKS.   Rally around folks. 

EDIT, EDIT, EDIT....... game has been moved to ESPN.  Thanks HSN.


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33 minutes ago, Parakeet Jones said:

Going to be a looooong week waiting on this one. 

Not only does PU play a late game, Feb 1. They also play Feb. 5.... before coming to B-town.  Will be interesting to see, if the week off for IU is a boon or a bane.

Shout out to little Keet, from me. 

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5 minutes ago, Brass Cannon said:

My wife and I got Les Mis tickets made the mistake of saying “I don’t care” when she asked which showing. I was trying to entertain a toddler to be fair. 

Got ya. And fully well understand. Things we do to keep mama happy.

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3 minutes ago, Stlboiler23 said:

Nothing burger? Haha

Neither program is relevant now, but I would like to point out that in 1995, I bet a friend $100 against his 1 penny that Purdue wouldn't make the Final 4 in the next 50 years.  Still 25 years to go, but I'm not worried.

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12 minutes ago, bobtcat2 said:

Neither program is relevant now, but I would like to point out that in 1995, I bet a friend $100 against his 1 penny that Purdue wouldn't make the Final 4 in the next 50 years.  Still 25 years to go, but I'm not worried.

I think they will in the next 25. I mean they were a fluke sequence away from it last year with arguably Painter’s 4th or 5th best team he’s had at Purdue. 

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34 minutes ago, Stlboiler23 said:

I think they will in the next 25. I mean they were a fluke sequence away from it last year with arguably Painter’s 4th or 5th best team he’s had at Purdue. 

I have my $100 ready, but I just can't see it.  To be honest I think neither IU nor Purdue makes Final Four in the next generation.

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