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mrflynn03 last won the day on November 6 2022

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  1. I guess my question based on my family history do I s$&t in a box or get fingerd
  2. I'll start out by saying my grandpa on my mom's side was a heavy drinker and smoker and owned a bodyshop. Died from colon cancer at 58. 2 months before I was born My dad died of a heart attack at 45. I'm almost 40. I just want to know if it's environmental or if I need to make sure I have a healthy life insurance. I already have a 500,000 term policy that expires next year
  3. Love it. Best a$$hole comic ever. I'd post a video but I can't!
  4. I was on some pretty good painkillers. Only gave me 5 days of them though. That would explain the machine gun posting. The swelling is gone which helps it feel much better.
  5. Heard this for the first time today. Seen Frankie a few times. His last album was 2016 or 17. Good tune.
  6. What a massive beat down I predicted putting up 70. But not a goose egg
  7. Appreciate you brother. Someone else who loves good rock n roll
  8. Definitely takes the mind off the pain. https://youtu.be/bx6f68Wd9dc?si=gRIXrEw4wmzVPWsP
  9. I quit Instagram because I was getting semi-nude photos for about 80+% of my feed
  10. Thanks brother. Noy going to lie, the extra treatment was nice. My wife isn't even mad!
  11. I went to the hospital today. Have an avulsion fracture in my right foot. Had to have an ultrasound to look for blood clots in my leg. Got a little extra treatment. One of the ultrasound techs gave me a foot massage, rubbed my leg down a little too much and copped a feel when she was rolling my boxers up. Not sure that's part of the job. I guess we're getting old but told my wife and she just shrugged her shoulders.
  12. I gave up on Instagram because my feed got filled with scantily clad women.
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