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Everything posted by Hoosierfan1901

  1. Eli Brooks is still on UM? Thought he left
  2. Caesars is still at -4, with the public betting percentage skyrocketing
  3. I’ll probably be punching a pillow if Houstan comes out on 4/5 on 3s
  4. I’m just going to go with the flow again on this one
  5. I read it like that, I don’t think we have offered him yet either
  6. He is also shooting .333 (9 of 27) in conference too for 3s
  7. I am more nervous for this game than the Purdue game. Michigan is just one of of those desperate teams hoping to make a push late in the season
  8. SIAC update: VL is rumored to pay the $10,000 exit fee to leave the conference and temporarily go independent
  9. A player from the team wasn’t on the plane when it crashed, however and unfortunately, he died in a car accident a few weeks later
  10. First throw of the day and Tannenhill gets picked off
  11. Once again, both swimming teams sweep Purdue
  12. Been looking around the Michigan boards for their insight, find nothing, other than they are too busy with Harbaugh
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