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We all have our strengths! Which does not make us lesser or better than anybody else!


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I remember on a business trip to Santa Monica CA. Each morning I got up and made a cup of coffee and looked out the motel window to enjoy the morning!

Each morning I was exposed to a learning experience! There was a restaurant across the street, and a woman would go behind the restaurant to find a milk crate. She would then stand on the crate so she could reach into the dumpster! She would first find a couple semi clean bags, then she would start digging around for food! After she filled up the two bags she would put the crate back where she found it. Then she would walk back down the street she came from!

 I’m like I would probably starve if I had to live on the street and she seems to be doing quiet well!

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11 hours ago, Drroogh said:

I live by a life adage that we can learn from everyone, and anybody can learn from you! So what life message do you choose to teach?

"God helps those that help themselves" which is to say there takes some self initiative.

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