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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Bryce Harper became just one of 5 to win the MVP with multiple teams. Name the other 4
  2. I don't like to over hype kids but don't sleep on Cupps
  3. Not nearly enough words in the English vocabulary to describe what should happen to that worthless POS. I am a firm innocent until proven but that video is very telling. Absolutely sickening. I hope he gets the opportunity to find out in prison just how tough he is
  4. Looks like Vegas is about to cough up some serious coin when Ohtani wins the AL MVP https://abc7.com/sports/us-sportsbook-facing-seven-figure-loss-if-los-angeles-angels-sho/11249511/
  5. Its so refreshing to hear a coach not make excuses. To praise the guys as well as holding them accountable and the 2 keys that I take away is Coach says I have to make them better but always comes back to it was a good win by our team.
  6. Little update from WTHR https://www.wthr.com/amp/article/sports/outdoors/indiana-hunter-record-buck-crossbow-country-song/531-dde44e3e-fd9f-4005-a3bb-edfebf1e8eee
  7. FWIW, what I was hearing prior the Friday visit was this was a validation are we sure visit. His mind was pretty well set Fridays game was the final test drive just to be sure.
  8. I think Fields is a much better QB than Jones but Jones is the perfect fit for the Pat's. They know how to help him be successful. Jets, Bears, and to a certain extent Jags are not helping their rookie QBS
  9. That's an awesome story and right in line with all I know about Coach. Those kind of stories make Indiana basketball so special. I have Coach Knight stories, my 2 oldest have great Coach Davis and Crean stories and I hope Ayden and eventually my grandkids have some great Coach Woodson stories. Thank you for sharing.
  10. That will be a huge advantage for us and their 1st game in front of a raucous crowd. That plus our defense should make those numbers drop significantly
  11. We went a few years ago to cancun about 100 agents all inclusive. My regional VP of sales sprung for us to take the kids and bought them an adjoining suite. All inclusive great time. We had a farewell luncheon for agent and their guest so while we did that the 3 kids stayed on the beach. We came down and they had ordered 3 non alcoholic drinks and lunch but this time they were in tall glasses instead of the plastic ones like all week. I thought nothing about it until we checked out a couple hours later and that lunch for 3 cost us 225. Make sure you know what time the all inclusive stuff ends
  12. He was talking about the Toilet makers though
  13. We just all go through so much and no one knows and it's just so nice to see good things happening
  14. Congratulations to Carsom and Madison on the birth of their 2nd child https://amp.indystar.com/amp/8645236002
  15. Its a 10 man league. Several of those guys I picked up on waiver wire. I waited late to get Herbert as my QB so that I could get 3 good running backs. 1 flex and its PPR. I got blown out 1 week when no one played well and lost back to back weeks by less than 3. I need to beat my daughter this week she exploded last week for 197 with Mahomes and J. Taylor going off
  16. Had I picked up the bears defense Last Monday I could have blocked my opponent and won I think I could have moved someone to IR and made it work but thought at this point he is not realizing he has no Def.
  17. No, my money league. I have Cook, Elliott, Swift, Mitchell, McNIchols, Pollard and Mattison My receivers are Chase, M Brown, Jefferson I had Woods and Waller is my TE. I love my team but need 1 more WR I think to win it all
  18. The times sure have changed. I had Biology class with Alan Henderson and he missed Tuesday and Thursday class and was sitting in street clothes at a home game on Saturday. He never missed class again. I don't understand how he did not at least get a 1 game suspension against a crappy team just to send a message but what do i know.
  19. Exactly and that is my point with posting that. Hopefully Simons learn that there are to many others things to occupy time other than watching a mediocre team year after year. Hopefully IU learned that and the Colts are treading on some thin ice as well.
  20. 1 word EGO. I am a huge Coach Knight fan no secret there and over the years he signed several items for me. The 1 thing that he wold not sign for me was an autographed pic of Coach Knight at Army with Coach K as a player. I had Coach K sign it and then a couple years later tried to get Coach Knight to and he said absolutely not after that prick signed it first. I hate that I never got both signatures on it.
  21. I think he is right. Did not hear any but in the past he has talked about teams making 1st trip into Assembly and the crowd. I personally think we roll because shots from 3 start falling
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