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Everything posted by FKIM01

  1. Yeah, I'm confident I read that as well. sounds like someone needs to update their web site.
  2. ...and based on what I'm seeing from IU this year, I'm glad he's gone.
  3. Not underestimating him...just saying the jury is still out when you are in your first head coaching gig. If he ultimately is a mediocre coach, his recruiting will likely eventually taper off as well. For me, he has a lot to prove. Michigan made the big splash hire and he's proven he's a strong recruiter out of the box, but Penny came hard out of the gate at Memphis as well. No question you give him time to prove his case. It would be stupid not to after you make the commitment Michigan did. I'm just not a fan of hiring the high-end former NBA player as a college coach. I just don't see a lot of those working out at the college level for whatever reason. Lesser players just seem to make better coaches. We can debate why but I'd give you two recent examples in Ewing and Hardaway that make me question just how well big NBA stars will translate to college coaching.
  4. Gee...I sense a small amount of sarcasm here. Howard was brought in to recruit. He had zero head coaching experience so you'll have to excuse me if I feel like it sounds like Penny Hardaway Part II. He'll get his chance to prove himself but I think it's fair to say the jury is still out on whether or not he can actually coach, given the lack of a coaching resume.
  5. Possible, but still, I'd tell you he has much more of a coaching resume than Howard does. I think he's the one. Howard will likely out-recruit him at least for awhile, but I think Archie is a far better tactician and will eventually catch and pass him recruiting as well. Howard needs to let his bench coaches run that part unless he shows more than he has thus far.
  6. No. We have Archie's Dayton resume. He didn't forget how to coach. He's just a slow but steady builder. Don't forget what RMK said about him...and he said that about no other IU coach since his firing.
  7. Agree with that. Tyler saw all the pot smoking etc. and moved on. Cody would have done the same. Crean even referenced having to watch his mouth because of Cody's family. They are straight arrows...nothing wrong with that.
  8. I'm sticking with my "coach can recruit but can't coach" theory. It's a small sample size thus far but he still needs to prove he's not just another Penny Hardaway.
  9. Knowing the family as I do, I guarantee Tyler took real classes and got a real degree. At the time he went to UNC, the fake classes had yet to be uncovered and it would be hard to expect him to uncover what he NCAA didn't. Sure, at some point in his college career, he likely had suspicions that teammates weren't taking very rigorous loads, but knowing Tyler, he probably did what he was supposed to do both in the classroom and on the team regardless of what his teammates were doing. I would very much expect that if Tyler was asked today, he doesn't at all approve of what went on there.
  10. I love using this picture...😂😂😂 Great, now Cal won't play Richmond anymore.
  11. He may have gotten a preseason haircut but he wore a pretty solid mop most of his career at UCLA.
  12. If that's true, my memory is worse than I thought.
  13. Ahhh, Wooden tolerated Bill Walton so he wasn't that hardcore.
  14. LOL...Iowa never plays defense. Saw in an email that one of our insiders picked Iowa at 7th in the league. Interesting divergent opinion.
  15. I have a feeling this season will help with recruiting, especially if Rob has a good year. Don't know what it is about prep schools and Indiana kids though...
  16. I don't get a good feeling when kids go off the prep school. IU just hasn't had a great history with those recruits.
  17. You'll get no argument from me on that. In the near term with the revenue hits coming, it seems even dumber in the eyes of an amateur NBA watcher.
  18. @BGleas, at the risk of beating a dead horse here, would it still not make better sense to take Turner and McDermott than let Hayward just walk? I'll admit to being a novice here, but it seems that Boston has even less leverage with Charlotte now than they would have with Indiana? Not debating here...just trying to become a little more educated.
  19. Charlotte is such a turd of an organization. This move is right up there with a lot of the dumb moves they've made over the years. If Cody is lucky, he can get himself traded out of the Knicks South.
  20. Shipping Oladipo would certainly help with cap space but as Scott said earlier, that may have to be delayed to get better value.
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