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Dawg Bawls

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Posts posted by Dawg Bawls

  1. 16 minutes ago, jv1972iu said:

    1967…my senior year of hs basketball.  Friday night sitting in the locker room before our game.  Coach comes in and says to me…”Couple of college scouts are here to see you play.  From Furman.”  They said, “Coach, we’re here to see your big man.”  They showed my coach a prospect sheet they’d received from someone somewhere with my name listed and my height…6’11”.  Problem was I was a 5’11” guard…with that height being generous by close to 2 inches.  The scouts stayed for the opening tip…then left.   😂😂

    Nuthin like the Ol 6'11 point guard... 

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Indykev said:

       I just read 60% of the kids are still in the portal that entered. Get the best big you can and take a flier on a shooter. its one year you might catch fire.

    I know a kid down the street who can hit it from literaly anywhere he wants ... hes 5 8....its really ashame that short kids are left out ... if only we could make people believe hes tall, that will work ,rt? We can just say he's tall and everybody will believe it... Hell, we even might make him believe it he'll start living his life as a tall person.

  3. 22 hours ago, ledies22 said:

    Goode and/or MM playing the 4 allows for IU to play the 4 out 1 in. I think we will get a lot of that this year, and i think it will be our best line up.

    1 Rice

    2 Carlyle

    3 TG/MM/Goode

    4 MM/Goode

    5 Ballo slightly over MR purely based on defense... especially if MM and Goode are at the 3 and 4.

    I think the 4 is pretty much solidified. We need a 5-10 guy at the 5. 

    A 5-10 guy just wont get it done at the 5 ..., maybe 6-10😃

    • Haha 7
  4. On 5/3/2024 at 11:32 AM, ledies22 said:

    Assembly Call brought up an interesting point. Last year IU had 0 players on the roster to play at least 40% of minutes and have a career high of over 20 points. This year we have 6. 
    TG -28

    MR - 34

    KC - 31

    Rice - 35

    Ballo - 30

    MM - 24

    when was the last time IU had the 1 and 2 be able to go out and get you 30? 

    30+ yrs

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