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Dawg Bawls

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Everything posted by Dawg Bawls

  1. I just got home from hospital... got my first Big Red in 3 weeks... LETS GO!!!!!
  2. How do you think I got my nameā€¦?
  3. I dated a roller baller in San Diego in the 90's ... still have the scars--
  4. There a week... they very limited in the testing .. its not setup for research unlike UofL...they can get you better but not figure out why sick unless obvious.
  5. They say dogs and dog owners kind of resemble and act alike... I am freakin glad I didn't buy a pug
  6. They dont know... i was transferred last week to UofL ... but nothing coming up in test... they think its a fungus or something i picked up overseas that keeps coming back/ autoimmune... its been going on for 3 yrs now... it happened in Nov and had gall bladder removed... its all weird to say least ... ill go from fine to death to fine in just hrs...
  7. So Ive been in hospital last 3 games... do i dare get discharged? in full disclosure i was at the Northwestern game....
  8. Is it bad i forgot about tonight... and didnt even care i firgot...sad
  9. We would have folded by 13:00 in 1st ... heart can only take you so far... sometimes you need a bat
  10. We went from red riders .. to sidearms and M4.... we need a Barrett .50 or at least a .300 win mag
  11. OH ITS NOT THE REFS ... COME ON... anyone that says its not is STOOOOOOPID!!!!
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