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Everything posted by btownqb

  1. This is very true.. and understand the differences between friends and acquaintances.
  2. FWIW--- there are multiple posters on other sites that are stating this is a whole lot of nothing. Respectable poster mentioned-- "If the version I heard is basically accurate? Think of it this way, if Xavier’s arrest, given he was sober, was about a 4/10 on the ‘big problem’ scale, this would be a 1/10."
  3. We thinking CMC plays? What would you guys do if you had CMC and Jerome Ford?
  4. He's 19 years old and a human. Hard pass.
  5. He was in jail for a total of 2.5 hours... alcohol, more than likely, wasn't involved.
  6. Woodsons gunna run his b**** off. 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Grrrr. Don't put yourself in that position. I'd like to know context and who else he's with.
  8. Such a pathetic rule lol Insane that gets you kicked out of a football game because the offensive player drops his head.
  9. Basically, my thoughts as well when I see a kid pick UK. Yuuuck. I thought Boogie was ours.
  10. Meh... just had to put on a show at the end. Sour grapes. Is what it is.
  11. Good. Go to UK with an announcement like that. 👋
  12. Your teachers had archaic ways to discipline, and so did mine. NEVER TAKE THEIR RECESS, in the sense that they HAVE TO HAVE activity, they also HAVE TO HAVE consequences. But.. line walking-- if you have recess near a parking lot, the student in trouble would walk on the lines of the parking lot for ten mins or whatever. The painted lines. Some elementary schools have a painted line kids walk on/around during recess that was literally painted there for the purpose of kids at recess to use. Another way of doing this... some schools have walking paths around their schools of some sort, I have been at a school that used their walking path as a punishment, as well. Push-ups, sit-ups, and air squats are what I use at the high school now.
  13. He owes 10 mins of line walking at recess.
  14. zero zero chance I think we should trade a 2nd or 3rd for Jeudy. Now... maybe give our 3rd rd pick and get their 4th rd pick back, I would probably be ok with that? Idk. Absolutely not just handing them anything higher than a 6th. lol... now watch Ballard give them a 4th and JJ come to Indy and just tear it up. 🤣
  15. Just a lot of smoke about it on Twitter. I just think we are better off addressing that in the draft, but again, if it's a pick swap, heck.. might as well try it. Maybe Jeudy in a new situation with Pittman+Downs is a difference maker.
  16. not true.... or even close to it. mmmm... this seems WAY off. Bad season? ehh...doesn't appear that way at all. Especially before AR5 was hurt. Doesn't look like we'll be anywhere close to the 3rd/4th pick. Could be wrong though.
  17. Yes, but Crean was money at teaching guys how to play without the ball.. Sheehey, VO, Troy Williams, Hartman.. among others, all very good without the ball, I don't think that was coincidence. He was also a master at skill development. Romeo would have thrived. Of course, Woodson and staff would have been great for him, no doubt. But like, Archie was the OPPOSITE of what he needed in college.
  18. I just don't want Jeudy unless it's a pick-swap.
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