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Everything posted by btownqb

  1. No one knows lol.. that is the issue!! Larry couldn't even man up and tell Woodson why he called the technical, then flails his arm in Woodsons face and calls another tech on Woodson. It was like a f'ing comedy skit.
  2. Shockingly, the officials missed that too!
  3. I saw that one earlier. That is the best angle. But by god someone might have said something on the bench that was mean... so we are going to T them up! Hell with doing our job the right way!
  4. The only one? Yeah, that's just not true. CMW, A Hill, the rest of our assts, our entire bench. They all know what was said and not said.
  5. IMO, I already answered this.... I think it makes a lot more sense that the official made a mistake in this instance than our bench did. Based on the film. Not a single one of our coaches were looking or yelling at LS. I think A Hill's last action of signaling for a travel is 100% the reason for the tech, at least to me. This isn't a HS bench or game where you can hear EVERYTHING. So, either Larry S has the best set of ears on the planet, or Woodson can't hear a DAMN thing (because CMW was utterly confused by the tech, and he was RIGHT next to Larry S, and I would hope if something egregious was muttered by our bench Woodson would first extinguish that, then go after the official), ORRRRRR.... Larry S completely over reacted to A Hill being the lightest bit demonstrative in his "complaining" and that was the reason for the tech. This is a pretty "par for the course" type of thing that goes on with our conference's officials.
  6. I cuss in my sleep. It has nothing to do with my ability to see things objectively lol
  7. Yeah see... no. I don't think, we don't think, Larry S has it out for Indiana at all. We just think he sucks at his job. Which he does. Last night was prime example.
  8. 100%.. only other way I can see anyone getting a T in this situation is if our bench had been warned. We hadn't.
  9. I don't think he called a tech for anything said at all. I think he called a tech because he determined our bench was too demonstrative. There is no one looking at Larry Siccurito there. He went out of his way to call a technical on Indiana. It's plain af on film. I mean, we can keep playing this charade of "we don't know what really went on"... or you can just simply watch the film and realize Larry S is a complete p**** and couldn't even explain to Woodson what the first technical was for BECAUSE IT WAS BOGUS. Either Woodson is deaf or Larry S is hearing things ORRRRRRR the technical was just because he felt the bench was too demonstrative and he got all defensive about it and had to "flex" on them and he called a tech when he shouldn't have, then compounded that issue with calling a tech on Woodson. That is the most likely scenario, especially when you factor in how poorly Larry does his job.
  10. Yeah he's converted that play idk how many times this year.
  11. 1 and 1s should be abolished anyway.
  12. Your picture does nothing for me. I just went and watched the replay about 100 times.
  13. Oh man.. lol that lob JHS threw at with 1:13 to go..... shew. Couldn't have been more open. sigh.
  14. The block/charge on Race was clearly a block in the first half, dude isn't set nor are his shoulders square. It was correctly called, shockingly. Malik Reneau gets completely body blocked. That call was ignored. That was 3 points for NW. Illegal screen by Booey Booey gets NW a wide open midrange jumper. 2pts NW.
  15. HAAAAAAAA Booey travels from the Navy Pier to Evanston and NW got 4FTs out of it. Could not be more clear on the replay. Honestly.. the "contact" with the official is a bad call too. Larry S or whatever his name is literally throws his whole arm basically directly in Woodson's face. RUDE AF, that is why Woodson touched him. It was just as much to get his arm out of his face as it was to "get his attention". We got royally f***** last night.
  16. At least we can see getting a technical is NOT a good thing for a team, by a coach. We were awful after that technical.
  17. If Larry Sirritto or however you spell his name wasn't a rude punk, and just explained himself, before just turning directly to the scorers table to call a phantom T on our bench.. Woodson wouldn't have "touched" him.
  18. Trey Galloway would be unstoppable if he were allowed to run over the guy guarding him every possession. NW played us 80 mins without XJ and beat us by 3. Congrats.
  19. The officiating sucks. But.. sure Indiana sucked for 20 mins. If the officials just do their job once, the entire game, and call the absolutely most blatant push off/stiff arm/battering ram move that Booey Booey displayed on the last play... we either beat them with 4 secs to go or kick their ass in OT. That's BOGUS missing that call. All 3 of them were out of position to see it, which, might p*** me off even more than not calling it to begin with.
  20. You don't shoot on a player control foul. But.. we would have had the ball with probably.. 4 secs left?
  21. That's a really tough loss. But, I think we can see he was pretty well thought of.
  22. That's fair. But.. Richardson and Levis are either substantially bigger(Young) or simply, measurably bigger, known to better runners (Stroud). It all matters. I think some maybe are praying CJ Strouds game vs UGA is the difference maker because that's the scenario they've convinced themselves is the best way for the Colts to get a Q.. (Stroud at 4).. And maybe the Colts HAVE determined that... but golly.. I'd understand why they'd(the Colts) would have reservations, though.
  23. This whole post, I agree with. But now, admittedly, I am rooting for Qs to go 1-3. 🤣
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