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Everything posted by btownqb

  1. I'll never agree with 1. 3 and 4 are absolutely great ideas. Still quite a bit of bags taken at the college level! 5 is a great name for UmpBot
  2. 2.3 mins a game does NOT determine outcomes.
  3. This one? Did you see Orvloskys reply? There is nothing in sport as complex as making a play in football "work."
  4. Mike Woodson likes baseball. haha I'll be there tomorrow evening, so that will be cool.
  5. not sure I could have set you up any better then that lol
  6. shew.. so you guys are the reason I have to answer "do you want ranch or bleu cheese with that?" I never met anyone who picked bleu cheese before my wife!
  7. I'm not writing him off. I think he can be successful at Ball State, Northern ILL, Evansville.
  8. Idk.. I don't see it. I am not rooting against him though. He showed his character supporting his teammates and continuing to excel in the classroom. I simply don't think he's a very good basketball player. I think if he were on Minnesota's roster and was transferring we would be laughing about the idea of him going to a big school. This is all an opinion, and maybe he will transfer to Duke and turn into the next Tyus Jones.
  9. Just when you think you can't like the kid anymore then you already do..... He drops a ranch on pizza bomb. Love it.
  10. I don't think he is a PW5 basketball player, at all.
  11. No way they evaluated him that poorly, as well.
  12. I don't know that we went to KC at all? I haven't heard anything if so.
  13. You can't have a wide zone by 6.5 inches lol My favorite part about the whole thing with KS is... he waited until he knew he was done with the game, so it didn't cost his team at all to get ejected. KS is a dude.
  14. How do you define work? Let's say TJD comes back.... out of-- TJD, RT, XJ, JG, TG, TB, XJ, JHS, MR, and MK-- we are just leaving one or two of them out of the rotation and for what reason?
  15. Looking at some stuff.... we went 3-2 last week. 1-1 on the road and 2-1 at home. We also have been playing the last 3-4 weeks without Morgan Colopy who is our 2nd best OF and one of our better bats. This weekend we also played with out Glasser (starting SS and 2 hole hitter). He has been filling it up in conference play. Glasser is hitting .350 and obp of .450. Johnson is probably a tick better in the field, or at least it appears that way for now. Anyways... if we can get those two back, that is as good of a lineup as we have had in a while 1-9. Brehemer and Perkins had excellent starts this weekend.
  16. Gotcha. Makes more sense now. I didn't realize it was aimed at the owner, I thought it was a league wide thing. Makes way more sense now. Well.... not really, but at least it's just happening there haha I see your Cs are playing well, though.
  17. Well, I haven't been watching hardly any either.... but I have seen in the highlights that this is like a "thing" right now. I hope the next person that tries this gets beat though lol
  18. Correct. If anything its a good thing..more good players will be staying in college. I hope we shell out every penny needed.
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