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IUCrazy2 last won the day on January 25

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  1. Well I am really looking forward to that matchup with Winthrop. Been awhile since I have seen Indiana in a 2 v 15 game.
  2. Pretty much. Winning tends to be a cover for everything.
  3. Their type of energy would have been fine with the school had they properly kissed Mike's butt. In fact, it sounds like they are still going to be involved with other sports (WBB and soccer). This is totally about them not towing the line last year. Which is fine, whatever. None of us would care about Mike's ego if he had the results to match it. On another note, I agree with you about their shenanigans. I started a thread about as much over a year ago. I think their content often crossed into cringeworthy so I am not totally sad to see them extricated from the program. I think Indiana should try to have some standards behind the NIL collectives they basically sanction. That isn't happening here though. They would still be doing their thing had they not had Evans on and said Woodson was doing a crap job last year.
  4. No, I can watch it and hope Mike Woodson pulls a rabbit out of a hat and if he doesn't and gets fired, well, I at least got that going for me too. I support the program, it is bigger than one person.
  5. To be succinct, when you are an asshole and are seen as underperforming expectations, both of those things tend to be enhancers of the other.
  6. For a school that pumps the amount of money and resources that Indiana does into its men's basketball program, any year that doesn't at the very least end in the appearance in a 68 team tournament should be viewed as an abject failure. And I don't care about recent history. That was all failure too. Failure that got guys fired. Failure that occurred without being able to truly $$$compete$$$ with the big name schools in recruiting. Something Woodson has no excuse for. Woodson is an @$$. You can be that as a coach as long as you are winning. We fired Bob Knight for being an @$$ when the wins no longer justified putting up with it. I am in the camp that doesn't much like Mike anymore. I am ready for him to go. If he wins, I can tolerate him, but 20-12 isn't enough for me personally to want to keep him around.
  7. Not a fan of the design myself but to each their own.
  8. If it is rough early the expectations ratchet up to end the year. If they start off slow but make the Final 4, ok, he rounded the roster to where it should be. If I am hearing about the "hump" in February I am going to be pissed. This is a talented roster, any humps better be in the rear view by the time conference really kicks off.
  9. The question you have to ask yourself is that if we can "buy" a team then how much does Woodson really matter to that aspect of recruiting? You didn't want to go on record with anything more than "high" expectations because you are hedging your bets for all the same reasons people like me were all over Woodson last year. Namely, you are concerned that he is a net negative to the record. We did buy a team. We bought a really good team. So we should expect really good results from this staff. And if we don't see at least mid-20's in the win column we should move on. We don't need Woodson to be able to buy a team. We do need a coach that can win games with that investment though. Year 4 and he took a couple billionaires donations to buy a competitive team so no excuses from him or you guys this upcoming year.
  10. Yep, I think about the only way you can fairly award now is through the Big Ten tournament.
  11. Draw your line in the sand. How many wins is success? We know the majority of the schedule right now.
  12. The program is a little bigger than all those people you mentioned. Anytime someone rolls out a "true fan" argument I just believe that they've run out of support for their position and have instead brought out a sledgehammer to silence critics. Woodson deserved most of the criticism he got last year. He has gone out and built a team that he was supposedly not able to build for the past 3 years because of reasons. There are indicators there that we are currently sitting on a Top 10 to 15 team on paper right now. So Woodson has a grand opportunity to shut people up with his coaching prowess next year. Anything less than 23 win is an abject failure with this roster and even 23 should be a "meh" enough result to really question if you want to extend a 67 year old coach (which you almost have to do after this year if you plan to keep him around). Put up or shut up time for these guys. They've been running their mouths since the end of the year either in public or behind burner accounts on social media. After all that talk they better have results.
  13. I could see it for a kid planning his future. Like, if I know I am a good college player but probably never going to be in the NBA, I take the redshirt for an extra year of free college. He could have a graduate degree completed in 5 years if he went the accelerated route through the summer.
  14. I don't know how any of you could hope these dorks win tonight. Littlest of little bro syndrome.
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