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Everything posted by IU247

  1. Let’s give him a shot before we run him out of town.
  2. Now let’s see who the Assistent coaches will be.
  3. Eh. Just have the lawyers write the denial. that way it says nothing without saying a lot.
  4. Here is the thing. IU has yet to shoot down the brad Stevens rumors even from the start. you would think if the brad Stevens rumors were not true they would shoot down the rumors as a way of “expectation setting” for the fanbase. They have not yet. Which is the 👀👀👀
  5. Yes. This. My dad grew up on the Boston side of CT so I was raised with Boston sports. It’s also a hell hole of media market, which can age anyone in decades. It’s why the press hates BB because he doesn’t take shit from them and gives it right back. Hell hole press+ extreme pressure can cause anyone to burn out.
  6. Yes. But I am talking about there being no public reports about us being linked to anybody.
  7. I mean here is the thing. It seems like other jobs are being filled a week or less after the former coach was fired. the fact that we have a: not filled it B heard no names from anyone about who IU was interested in is Curious.
  8. I am very curious if we hear any names linked to the IU Job In the next few days. If it gets to be another week or more without any names it would leave me wondering (Stevens)
  9. If he did. It will get out. Within a week I bet.
  10. We will know soon enough. If he got a raise or extension they will be announcing it in short order.
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