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Posts posted by SteveS

  1. 4 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    Don't like what I am seeing here.  Who is going to even be honest? This is going too far IMO.  We have really come to the seizure of personal property?

    Executive order from the governor of Colorado-


    "I request that any Colorado business or non-hospital health care facility, whether
    veterinary, dental, construction, research, institution of higher learning, or other,
    in possession of PPE, ventilators, respirators and anesthesia machines that are not
    required for the provision of critical health care services undertake an inventory of
    such supplies by no later than March 26th, 2020 and prepare to send it to the State
    of Colorado. I direct the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to allocate any
    supplies received pursuant to this order to support activities related to the
    COVID-19 response."

    To be fair, that is a request at this time, the state is not seizing property yet. I don’t know of any construction companies that have done that.  All the companies I’m dealing with are rationing what they have and are looking for more. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    I heard today one reason Trump was country reopened by April 11 (except for heavily hit areas) is the concern over drinking and drug abuse. Problems that will only get worse with more people home, unemployed, etc. In addition, the longer we are closed, the more businesses that will not reopen. Do we let tens of thousands fall victim to substance abuse and suicide or maybe a smaller # to the Coronavirus? The hope is with another week or 2 to ramp up supplies, testing, etc, we can get back to normal.

    I’ve got my 23 year old nephew living with me right now. He just took a job in Denver and is staying with me until he finds a place of his own. He is working from home and never seems to leave the basement. We have a history of slight depression in our family, so I’m going out of my way to get him to get out and ride (he is a cyclist who won the Little 5 his senior year) and walk the dogs with me just to get him out of the house. Neither of my kids are isolated like he is, they don’t live with us but are not alone. I completely understand the depression/substance abuse issue.

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  3. 10 hours ago, milehiiu said:

    My pleasure.  Blessing going out to you and yours from the mile household.  As we are being told we are not allowed to go outside today.  Phone and e-mail governmental alerts. 

    Well, I’m considered “essential” so I get to go to work still. Fortunately, all those non-essentials are staying home so the roads are fairly empty. It took me less time to get home during “rush hour” (5:30-ish) than it did at 5:45 this morning.

  4. 3 hours ago, mrflynn03 said:

    If people dont properly prepare after this, then I dont know what to tell them. I've been preparing for an event like this since the market tanked in 2008.  I really dont have a need to go grocery shopping for 4-6 weeks. Only random items I may need that so far are still available. 

    Wife thought I was crazy when I told to stock up on paper good about 3 weeks ago. Not so much now. She is all on board. 

    I started picking up extra food stuff, soaps and paper products in early February. At that time I was mostly just worried about supply chain issues from China. By the time everyone here started going apesh!t over toilet paper and bottled water I had all that stuff covered. Like you, I’ve been keeping the basement shelves and freezer stocked with food for years now, mainly in case of natural disasters.

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  5. 1 hour ago, FKIM01 said:

    SIAP...long article with a ton of referenced studies, graphs, bell curves, and statistical analysis.  I think it is well worth the time, although you can feel free to skip the political diatribe at the end.  The statistical and medical analysis leading up to that is very solid.  Although I'm fine with maintaining social distancing, lots of hand washing and other common sense precautions, I felt better and more informed after I finished it.



    The only problem I have with this is that all the data is wrong. We don’t have enough tests to really know how many people actually have contracted the virus. So you can analyze the existing data all you want and it just doesn’t matter because the data is simply not complete enough to give any true understanding of what’s going on.

  6. 28 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Per the Denver Post..... on line purchases of marijuana have gone through the roof.  Suppliers are having a hard time keeping up with the demand.

    My son works in IT now for LivWell, a marijuana dispensary chain here in Colorado. He told me last night that they are just starting the testing phase of their online ordering system and the CEO told them yesterday to go live with it no later than Monday.  I guess they will be going with the Microsoft model of software development, let the users find the problems for you.

    More from Denver ... The Denver Business Journal reported yesterday that 80% of all independent restaurant workers in Denver have been laid  off. Given the fact that only carry out is available, I’m surprised it’s not higher.

  7. 52 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    I have no words for this :

    Ralph Baric, PhD | Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UNC, was developing the Carona Virus.

    It escaped. And now they are working on a cure.

    All of this is from memory after listening to a podcast a month or so ago, but...

    As I understand the events, it went something like this:

    The team at UNC were doing research on bat based coronavirus’ (coronaviri?) and they created a new virus so that they could test their theories. When they published some of the results, and explained what they had done, there was a bit of a heated academic debate over the risk/benefit of this type of research. There are obvious benefits to understanding how these types of virus’ (viri? what is the multiple of virus) can be fought. However, at what risk to all of humanity if it were to get out of the lab? (Think Lyme disease)

    The research was ultimately stopped, I think, but two of the researchers moved back to China and started working at the ... wait for it ... Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory.

    The theory, of course, is that they took samples with them and continued the research at the lab in Wuhan where it did in fact get out of the lab.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

    What the heck is wrong with people? I’ve never seen so many panicky morons in my life.

    Try to do some basic grocery shopping and idiots are buying up all the toilet paper and one stupid lady grabbed 8 gallons on milk? 

    has everyone gone crazy? This is not the freaking plague, NO one is running out of toilet paper. What the hell is wrong with people? 

    8 gallons of milk? Doesn’t she know that even during a pandemic milk still goes bad after about 10 or so days in the fridge. I still don’t get the toilet paper thing. I guess the worst thing they can think of in a crisis is no TP. Once there started to be shortages, everyone started thinking they had to have more.  It’s like when the stock market get really high or low people either buy or sell at exactly the wrong time.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, jv1972iu said:

    Until our inept president and his bumbling political admin begin to listen to medical experts...there's going to be panic.  They have to act!!!  You can't just say don't panic to people.  You have to take steps...like fix the freaking testing bottleneck, if you want people to stop feeling panic.  

    No politics! There is no place for that right now. The government is not your friend and doesn’t have your best interest in mind when they make policy. Do what you have to do to take care of yourself and loved ones. Never depend on the government to take care of you.


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  10. I took my weekly trip to Costco tonight. No bottled water, no rice or dried beans available. The clerk told me that two ladies came in at opening and bought 26 cases of water and 15 multipacks of toilet paper. People here in Arvada, CO seem to be spooked.

    I just wanted a couple cases of water for my job site.

  11. 5 hours ago, Zlinedavid said:

    Taco Bell goes through my colon like Sherman through Atlanta: quickly and leaving everything on fire in its wake.   So unless I'm out of Ex-Lax.....

    This ... I have always kinda liked Taco Bell, but after I turned 50, Taco Bell really doesn’t like me.

  12. On 11/7/2019 at 4:02 PM, Drroogh said:

    What does it say about me that I’ve never been to any of the places on any of these lists until now and I’ve actually been to 3 of the best dive bars in the country.  The Nob Hill Inn has decent food for lunch, never went for drinks. I think Bears Place up in Evergreen is the best dive bar I’ve been to in Colorado.  The Cactus bar in Boise was just as described, I had a good time with good people. Finally,  The Matador was a welcome respite from the oddly uppity people in Santa Fe.

    • Haha 1
  13. On 9/18/2019 at 5:14 PM, milehiiu said:

    Thanks for the link.  Pete's Kitchen in Denver.  Certainly the run a way winner for Colorado.  RIP Pete. Who died this past Spring, after decades of running, Pete's Kitchen along with a handful of other iconic restaurants along Colfax Avenue and other places in Denver.

    Pete's Restaurants

    My wife and I love Pete’s Central at Alameda and Pearl. We were in Greece for a week 30 years ago and love Greek food. I’ve never been to Pete’s Kitchen though, I don’t hang out on East Colfax much.

  14. On 5/23/2019 at 10:06 PM, FKIM01 said:

    I drove to Indy TWICE for that debacle.  Saw a total of 10 laps.  Dad took a buddy with my tickets Tuesday and they weren't even checking tickets at the gate.  He said you could sit almost anywhere.

    I had gone to every race since 1976 at that point, but my son (first child) was born on 5/2 and my wife had complications, so I had to miss that year.  I was so encouraged to know that, had I gone to the race from Colorado that year I still wouldn’t have seen the race, I would have been back at work on Tuesday anyway.  

    That was the first of only three races I have missed since I was 9, but my first race was in 1973. That year the race was finally held on Wednesday and my parents came and got my brother and I from elementary school to go see the race, the gates were wide open for anyone to go.  About all I remember about that race was the piles of beer cans as tall as our house and that it was really loud.

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  15. On 6/8/2018 at 12:26 PM, Hoosierhoopster said:

    In my ride up the elevator at the office today (no Fouls, I didn't get stuck today), the Elevator TV had a study reflecting that chewing gum has been shown to help with weight loss by reducing cravings for salty and sweet food. 

    Most Americans don’t know the difference between hunger and thirst and most of us are dehydrated a lot of the time. We get this feeling and think we are hungry so we snack when we should be drinking water.  You need to drink at least 50% of your body weight in ounces of water every day.  So if you weigh 200 lbs you should be drinking 100 ounces of water every day.  This will go a long way in reducing cravings between meals.

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