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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. Where were we predicted lat year, before coming in 2nd? I can't recall.
  2. Summers eve, makes me feel fine... Wasn't there a song about that?
  3. If all other things are equal, NIL is todays version of being at the crossroads. You may get that golden fiddle, but there is no turning back. The chase for $ at all cost, very well may spell your ruins, forever. It's a trick bag for these high end kids and one that most adults couldn't (don't) walk correctly. Once you show you advertise that you are for sale, you are always for sale. It's sad they have to deal with this.
  4. It’s, “damn auto correct” for outbound messages errors Its “damn auto comprehension” for inbound message errors! Lol
  5. Yep, I've "fired" many a customer and suggested a competitor to them. I love $$ but not at any cost for those I don't feel the fit. There's a difference between both parties going towards the same goal and one party being a whiney bitch. (not saying that Boogie is).
  6. Does he have any pending arrest charges ? KU and dolla bill ya aint going straight. There's too much $$$ Bill ya available to go straight.
  7. Is your name Debbie? I only ask because I went to school with a Debbie Taylor that broke my heart 40 yeas ago. It's still painful.
  8. Not sawing that I am old and not saying that I can't notice a money grab, but can you explain this to me, in a way that doesn't hurt as much? What am i missing?
  9. If you could deliver this message, with the same method, word smithing and hand jesters as "The Fat Electrician" does his military education video's........... I'm donating big to your "you fund" !
  10. I'm going with the under. I am confident that his flame just burned out a few years after Archie's did, but it's the same. Candle in the wind. osu and holtman suffer a 15 year locust infestation.
  11. Do not browse the door dash website while hungry! ! argggh.
  12. Ok so Hoosier NAtion need to mobilize. Someone get on flight tracker. We assemble at the airport cause some rukus, someone else create traffic distractions between the airport and the school, lets box him in and impede movement. Team C entice Liam to go for an unexpected off campus, maybe fishing or something where CMW is already at the creek bank waiting.. Ok lets all sync our watches and mobilize !
  13. It's just like when I found out about 1000+ thread count sheets. I've always been a "run what ya brung" kinda racer........... until I paid (the ex wife actually) $150 for a set of sheets. 3 ply toilet paper seems like I feel guilty for spoiling myself.
  14. Do you guys know that you can buy 3 ply toilet paper? MIND BLOWN !
  15. It's obvious that Scott couldn't shoot a half ounce of Pinot Noir, or guard a chair tied to a concrete block. He's perfect for being a commentator.
  16. SO now with NIL and the fact that there are no boundaries (minus stupid as self reporting for a jaywalking incident). Can Woody go hire other school recruits to a question answer session. Not a recruitment session, a simple interview Q/A session. What made your comment to them What did they offer you What most intriged you about them ... ,,, ,,,, Dig into the meta data of each students thought process. Offer them $5,000 as a college case study. Make Kelly business run it to train future business grads. Anyone pucking up what I'm puttin down?
  17. Do you think that IU has a sports media program? Maybe has have one for years? How about general media or corporate relations and advertising majors.. Maybe even Masters or pHD level programs. Cuban media center??? Think they could possibly bring those "educators" together to market this level of event for millions of alumni and fans? An IU event like this should be 10x better than any ESPN or FS1 event. "WE" are supposed to have the best teaching the best, and we the fan ($ supporter) can't hear the effing subject matter expert, focus of the GD interview? Apparently we need a Bob Knight that knows how to teach being responsible for the gift you have been given. If you are allowed to be half assed, you will always strive to be half assed.. This was totally disrespectful to the kids and the program. Jesus FC!!! Does anyone hole anyone else responsible to their given gift anymore?
  18. OH Crap... After this, I need to do a two step authentication. KILL ME NOW !!!!
  19. Bought to password requirements explode. Working to come up with one password for everything, instead of the 3 page excel spread sheet of crap I maintain now. My work requires a min of 18 characters, with =/-/lower case/upper case, foreign language letters, some romulan, 3 foreingi character (from star trac) to maintain one sign on to all corporate sites. It's so bad that my password is so long that Loose track in the middle of typing it all out and have to start over, and over and over.. WELL, now I have a new personal account that doesn't allow a password over 16 characters.. Does anyone have a personal, reliable rep for some fentinal? Lethal Fentinal. I simply want to check out from this shit. You dirty bastards win, I want out. NOW. I'm done. see ya.
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