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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. You all are reading this much different that I am . I think Scott feels his hair is on fire any time going over 25mph, and ends up in the fetal position in the floorboard. Now, there really isn't anything wrong with this. People have limits. Heck, I once had a decorated fire fighter, who later became the fire chief at the fire station very close to the Monroe County Airport, assume the fetal position, in the floor board, during a response situation that I obviously had totally under control. People have different thresholds, I guess. 😁 I actually had this exact same type truck, 4' off the ground, @ 45 mph.. EPIC fail ! ! He wet himself a little. Sissy.
  2. LOL, this is kinds my motto. If your'e gonna go.... Go in a cloud of dust! POOF !
  3. Just so we can qualify. In your mind, are there any road or vehicle or mode of velocity, that is never dangerous at 90 mph? Any?
  4. After further reading, it isn't that you "made a mistake". The narrative changed, somehow, to a much more serious claim of resisting arrest by many. You just so happened to be the first I saw, but then found MANY are buying it hook line and sinker. This has turned into a great example of the telephone game, and we all can see what everyone says... and it still gets effed up. So, it wasn't personal sir.
  5. "screw up" #1 - team rule/ curfew, he did the crime and paid the fine. "Screw up" #2 - Nothing, not one ioda to do with any team thing and was totally outside of the season, on his own time. Drove to fast, POORLY attempted the bait and switch, WITH a willing accomplice (apparently). He is our Xavier, not our effing XSavior. OHH for those, "OMG he's lucky he didn't kill someone".. Well I went and flew my plane today, was cruising around 150mph. I'm just lucky the twin towers didn't pop up in front of me I guess. After all of these years, I somehow still find it remarkable of what this fan base can generate as fact and judgement, from zero facts and personal grievances. Tap out.
  6. So we started this saga at 140 in a 50, now it's 90 in a 25, sourced from a post from a 2018 Bloomington paper article? Resisting arrest LAW ENFORCEMENT... I really need to tag out. Humanity is lost.
  7. Wow, this was a NON team issue with X, and your hot take is to put the decision process on TJD's shoulders? Manopause hot flashes are a cruel bugger!
  8. Ya'll need to Stop embellishing this to satisfy yourselves.
  9. One of the top 5 teams the last decade..... BUT we do things the right (iu scott et.ah.) way... 🙄
  10. If you are going to Spew your "view", at least state it correctly.
  11. Just for anyone else who had to look it up. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogan's_Goat
  12. You know what X should do. Go to that class room and teach those kids, life is about making decisions. What are you willing to give up, to achieve what you want. Do you want to drive 90 (140? haha) but agree to be arrested to do it? Do you want to have moral superiority, but agree to resist all temptation to gain it? Do you want to Get busy livin, or do you want to get bus diein. Up to you.
  13. Makes even more sense. Air Force speed limits are..... Well... much higher and always change depending on wind direction! X, ... Focus and get us to the E8 next year damnit !
  14. So we change our name. The Indiana Hurrying Scott Monks. I'm getting a little tired of our Holy Virtue Signalling. We "hire" kids to play ball, not be a Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry experiment specimen within the IU "fan base". CMW, go do what you need to do, It's your job, not ours! We will be there to cheer.
  15. Hell officer, I was drinking. How could I be sure of anything? Ride Ride, Slippity slide. Hittin switches in a 65.
  16. Can I firmly put you into the crowd of fans that want things done "The right way" ? We are Indiana, by god do it the right way. Right?
  17. Meh, forget the limit.. Early morning, no traffic, with the right car, any place on Walnut with 1 MAYBE 2 consecutive green lights, obtaining 90 for a short amount of time is pretty damn easy.. and it doesn't take a $200k car. I've had several trucks that could do it. Keep in mind, being accused of driving 90, doesn't mean you did it for 70 miles... It's ONE point that you are measured at (radar), which actually could happen over a few yards of distance. Eff it, go do some community service X and get us to the E8 next year. Nothing to see here!!
  18. Brad Swain was a lil bitch 20 yrs ago.... Some things never change.
  19. would you expect me to type a non valid statement? I only stated this from experience, I'm a pilot and I know damn well how long it takes to slow down. There's only one way to do it, without fatalities. Slowly, cautiously and with much respect of how physics can really eff up a human body. This can only mean, X got himself sped up, then understood the circumstances, made a conscious decision to carefully slow down and "win the game". JUST to have a Ted Valentine officer want some fame... err' I mean... FLAME.
  20. Well, from 140 it does take a bit to get stopped ! 😁
  21. When given lemons..... I see potential here for an NIL deal with a Radar detector company ! Also, if he has a car that will do 140, he very well may be making better NIL $ than we know!
  22. Not to be confused with already being in the F4 anyway. But hey, we've been doing it the right way.
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