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Everything posted by Hoosierfan1901

  1. Rams OC Kevin O’Connell off to the Vikings, just got the notification
  2. Definitely, but I’m sure he will return to the NFL at some point, still some jobs open
  3. Roncalli’s HC apparently left for a Cincy area job. Wonder who they will hire, since this shakes up 4A a little bit
  4. Since it’s RU, they could squeak it out, but NW struggles a ton with late leads
  5. RU cutting the lead, down 14 now, playing some D
  6. Looks like NW is hot from the 3, RU is most definitely not
  7. MD looked deflated after being neck to neck for a bit
  8. I have a feeling MD will get worn out, but they are playing pretty good
  9. Possibly, however, the older one may stay out due to transfer rules
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