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What’s Your Screen Time Average?

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So my iPhone tells me I averaged 2 Hrs, 8 min a day last week of screen time. 

That kind of surprised me. I don’t generally spend a lot of time on my phone other than email, texting, and some basketball / sports now all stagnant except here. But we’ll what do you do when not contemplating your next toilet paper purchase? 

So how’s your screen time looking, and what do you guys spend most of your time on your phone on?

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Every Sunday morning at 9am...haha. Last week it was 3 hours 18 minutes. Usually I'm in the 3-4 hours per day range....mostly twitter, linkedin and a couple other work related sites besides normal social media. I'm always amazed at how low the number is because I feel like it's in my hand or near me (especially during normal work life) all the time.

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