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Crean Stories

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If you follow IU basketball as much as me, you would love the Jeremiah Rivers Hoosier Hysterics interview.  As real as it gets.

And yes, the Austin Rivers tweet about Crean being crazy is confirmed that is was Austin himself, not a friend.

Also talks about Rashard McCleod story is shared and I have a new perspective on him.  

Great stuff

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8 minutes ago, Go__Hoosiers said:

Rivers always seemed like a bad fit at Indiana. I was on the fence about listening to this podcast - but definitely going to listen to it for the Crean stories now.

I would be interested to know your thoughts after hearing the podcast.  I do know that teammates looked at him as a leader and good guy (not on podcast).  Kid has alot of talents that extend beyond basketball.  

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After listening to Jeremiah he seemed a little bit arrogant, and definitely thought of himself and his game as being in much higher regard than what you'd see.  Caveat, it does go into a little bit of why he fell off from a top prospect to an offensively challenged plus defender.    

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Still making fun of the guy that brought the program back from the ashes I see. 

I often found things frustrating about Coach Crean. From recruiting (at times) to on court play (at times) but I will never make fun of the guy for his effort and enthusiam during his time at IU.  

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4 minutes ago, IUbball4ever said:

Still making fun of the guy that brought the program back from the ashes I see. 

I often found things frustrating about Coach Crean. From recruiting (at times) to on court play (at times) but I will never make fun of the guy for his effort and enthusiam during his time at IU.  

Bob Knight was made fun of

Mike Davis was made fun of

Kelvin Sampson was made fun of


Crean is not getting singled out because people didn't like him or didn't appreciate what he did.  He gets made fun of because he has some quirky mannerisms.  And, he certainly has some bizarre facial expressions.   

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3 minutes ago, IUbball4ever said:

Still making fun of the guy that brought the program back from the ashes I see. 

I often found things frustrating about Coach Crean. From recruiting (at times) to on court play (at times) but I will never make fun of the guy for his effort and enthusiam during his time at IU.  

Oh. Please don't get me wrong. Just because I posted some fun pictures of Coach Crean. All through the years I was on board with the guy who helped put the pieces together again at IU.  I know for a fact that the gig was offered to higher profile coaches at the time. Who either refused. Or wanted an unrealistic amount of money to take over the job after Sampson. To his credit, Coach Crean was the ONE. To step up to the pump.  IT'S INDIANA ! IT'S INDIANA !

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5 minutes ago, IUbball4ever said:

Following this board for many years I know you guys are great posters and I listen when you speak. I guess I just chose this topic to finally air frustration that has built up for years. I apologize for coming off as a grump. 

i was actually torn on whether to post some of the good things Crean did or join in the fun.  I ultimately chose the middle ground, selecting one of the more notable Crean moments, but posted from teh perspective that the other posters were the guilty party.

As a general rule, I tend to agree with you that Crean takes too much heat, and all the good he did is often overlooked.  But, even I have to admit that the man takes some of the most unflattering photos of anyone in history.  

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49 minutes ago, IUbball4ever said:

Following this board for many years I know you guys are great posters and I listen when you speak. I guess I just chose this topic to finally air frustration that has built up for years. I apologize for coming off as a grump. 

It's cool. So glad you have joined us as a contributing member. No need for apologies as far as I am concerned.  Just felt the need to clarify my position on Coach Crean. Always felt his heart was in the right place. But over time. I felt that  the IU gig overcame him. Having said that. Coach Crean managed to get IU to the NCAAT multiple times, including sweet 16 appearances. Something that should not be lost on IU fans.  Wishing Coach Crean the best at Georgia. Where the fans are not as nuts over BB as in Indiana. 

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46 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

I'm not bashing Crean one bit. Just don't see the need. Did far more good....and has remained classy about his time in Bloomington to this day. 

That's true. Coach Crean has never said anything negative about his time at IU,  after leaving IU.  That's one reason,  why I wish him the best. Unlike the Marquette fans like unclejohn, and others who came over from the old Scout board to trash Coach Crean. I am sure long time members of HSN remember.

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These guys are absolute Crean haters.  It gets old to be honest.  The interview would have been a lot better if it wasn't peppered with a bunch of Crean-bashing.  The stories were great and there's nothing wrong with telling stories where Crean isn't painted in a favorable light, but these guys went out of their way to be disrespectful and the bashing was frankly obnoxious.

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11 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

These guys are absolute Crean haters.  It gets old to be honest.  The interview would have been a lot better if it wasn't peppered with a bunch of Crean-bashing.  The stories were great and there's nothing wrong with telling stories where Crean isn't painted in a favorable light, but these guys went out of their way to be disrespectful and the bashing was frankly obnoxious.

I honestly do not know about that, them having an agenda against Crean.  They have fun engaging conversations with players from coaches dating back to Branch.  They get players to open up and talk about their experiences.  Same with Archie, Knight, Davis, Sampson players.  The Crean players go into a little more detail and that is their choice.  There is nothing that is not factual and both sides are provided when players want to go there.

Knowing Crean from his Marquette days through a player, I have always followed his career, purchased his books, etc.  I enjoyed this podcast and did not see it as bashing, just enlightening.  This is Doc Rivers kid who has a whole different basketball perspective and he talked about his struggles.

By the way, one has to believe the HH get alot of their info from the likes of Elston and others and they learn a ton and have an inside viewpoint for that reason.  

I didn't share to bash Crean, shared because a few stories have been discussed on these boards before with different takes.....and now you can hear from the horses mouth so to speak.


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2 minutes ago, Fiveoutofsix said:

I honestly do not know about that, them having an agenda against Crean.  They have fun engaging conversations with players from coaches dating back to Branch.  They get players to open up and talk about their experiences.  Same with Archie, Knight, Davis, Sampson players.  The Crean players go into a little more detail and that is their choice.  There is nothing that is not factual and both sides are provided when players want to go there.

Knowing Crean from his Marquette days through a player, I have always followed his career, purchased his books, etc.  I enjoyed this podcast and did not see it as bashing, just enlightening.  This is Doc Rivers kid who has a whole different basketball perspective and he talked about his struggles.

By the way, one has to believe the HH get alot of their info from the likes of Elston and others and they learn a ton and have an inside viewpoint for that reason.  

I didn't share to bash Crean, shared because a few stories have been discussed on these boards before with different takes.....and now you can hear from the horses mouth so to speak.

Hey, don't get me wrong...I enjoyed the listen and I wasn't accusing you of bringing any agenda.  The insider perspective is great BUT...

...this is not the first time I've listened to these guys and picked up a very anti-Crean vibe.  They constantly tried to bait Jeremiah into saying negative things about Crean and they've done it in other podcasts.  I won't say there aren't some highly entertaining stories about Crean's oddities, but my message to these guys is...give it a rest.  Crean is gone and all your Crean-bashing doesn't make him more gone.  He absolutely contributed to the rise of the program from ashes and he deserves props for what he did.  I'd agree that it was the right move to let him go and you can argue that it should have been done sooner but the obvious anti-Crean bias of these guys gets old to me.  Without that, their podcasts would be fantastic.  As it is, it's a couple of notches below fantastic for me at least.

Anyway, it was very interesting and I want to thank you for bringing it.  I just wish these guys would lay off Crean.

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I am about half way thru the interview.  It is interesting, i didn't know he was that highly ranked out of high school.  His stories about his basketball career are interesting for any IU fan.  Anything you read or hear you have to know who is doing the narration, saying that... you can easily tell that Crean never was a basketball player. 

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