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Breaking. The NCAA issues penalties on the UNC BB program !


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6 minutes ago, 3Ballin said:

Was the NCAA affraid the Cleveland St. program would fold if they used them as the whipping boy for another school breaking the rules again??  Or did they think having the right initials was gokd enough and nobody would notice??

Can't answer that question.  However, through history...... how many times have we seen the NCAA punish a lesser program for the very same issues they let a major program go off scott free for ?  Tark the Shark,  as you have stated,  had it right.... years ago.  And once, again... we see it happening before our very eyes.  Nothing has changed.


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1 hour ago, milehiiu said:

No, not that UNC BB program.  But this UNC BB program.

NCAA issues penalties on UNC  men's basketball program

Which begs the question.  Why this UNC program, and not the other UNC program ?


In my opinion, its simple in that UNC did not have or did not intend to use the tens of millions of dollars spent in legal fees to drag the case on forever and outlast the NCAA, such as the other UNC

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2 hours ago, Maud'Dib said:

In my opinion, its simple in that UNC did not have or did not intend to use the tens of millions of dollars spent in legal fees to drag the case on forever and outlast the NCAA, such as the other UNC

Spot on.  THE UNC, located in Greeley, Colorado, has no where the deep pockets of the UNC located in North Carolina.  I've been on the campus of the Greeley UNC.  Not a place you want to be on when the wind is blowing into town from the East. Especially in the summer.   Big time cattle ranches to the East  of Greeley..... if you get my drift .  LOL

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31 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

Spot on.  THE UNC, located in Greeley, Colorado, has no where the deep pockets of the UNC located in North Carolina.  I've been on the campus of the Greeley UNC.  Not a place you want to be on when the wind is blowing into town from the East. Especially in the summer.   Big time cattle ranches to the East  of Greeley..... if you get my drift .  LOL

You can smell Lafayette from that far away?

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5 hours ago, Leathernecks said:

You can smell Lafayette from that far away?

Ha ha ha.   I do recall driving back to IU from NWI, as a student.   Long time ago. Always made it a point NOT to stop in Lafayette.   Trust me.  In terms of odorific....Greeley is much worse. 

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