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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. I don't know the answer but I know some of you guys will. I need your help. Chris Taylor became the 2nd player ever to hit 3 hr in a playoff game and also hit a walk off in the playoffs that same year. Not sure who was the first I went through both lists and no one else is on both. Please help.
  2. I was thinking 26 or 27. Oct of 90 would have been my Senior year so I believe it was his 1st year with the Reds 89, she was a year older than me
  3. I get your point but I am not so sure I would call it dating.
  4. She was a Senior so maybe. Found it crazy he was signing autographs at a high school game then sitting with students at Frischs after the game
  5. It follows you as well. Last week we were getting Destin news as well as our local indiana news
  6. Doesn't make sense. I was on the track my Senior year when a runner from KY died at our school. Don't know if AED would have helped but back then it was not an option. Was in the Columbus North gym when Big John Stewart passed. Those things stick with you forever
  7. Three high school athletes died of sudden cardiac arrest. Their moms are fighting back. To get all schools AED . I know your school has then because I was on the committee to look into it many years ago
  8. No idea where this goes but warrants being read IMO https://www.newsbreakapp.com/n/0cX6IQ8z?s=a99&pd=08vvqoSG&lang=en_US
  9. My very first guess which I just can't believe is correct is Luke Zeller
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/news/indiana-cops-people-chained-gruesome-160036226.html Crazy people in this world
  11. Knowing where you live I would guess it has a Southern Indiana flavor to it but no one comes to mind. How about Marion Pierce
  12. Maybe better than Walton. Like or hate Dakich you cannot dismiss his knowledge of the game. Being with Knight for 16 years comes across on the broadcast. He knows basketball. For me listening to Miller talk about basketball is like talking to my accountant about basketball he knows the game but..... We have some great accountants on here don't take offense. My accountant is boring as can be
  13. I remember exactly where I was that night when Todd Benzinger caught the final out. On a side note Todd was banging a cheerleader at our high school at the time, he came to a few basketball games the previous year
  14. You mean 7 for 30 is not good. Guy needed to ice his shooting elbow after the game. On the positive There were enough bricks to take care of the renovations at MSG.
  15. Since I have no real guess I will say Oscar
  16. I see ownership in his future and I don't see Irsay giving any of that up. I would love that
  17. Unfortunately I don't think it will ever happen.
  18. Whether it's the curse of deflatgate or curse of cutting Peyton Manning there is no doubt this franchise is snake bitten
  19. Can't imagine he is too.upset about that move. Wilson will be gone after this year so maybe he gets a shot
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