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Everything posted by Billingsley99

  1. Is it too early for the Colts to adopt the slogan, " Not too proud to lose for Stroud"
  2. I played pick up games with Greg and Mike over a Thanksgiving break at At South Decatur high school my 1st year here
  3. Story on his Decatur County ties https://www.greensburgdailynews.com/news/local_news/local-fans-watch-baseball-legend-enter-hall-of-fame/article_3f4952e0-9d55-5cf3-b315-8d820205196a.html
  4. Yes sir. I believe grandparents lots of cousins etc..
  5. I have a couple great Greg Maddux stories I will share with you. He has a ton of family in our neck of the woods and does visit still
  6. I guess I was wrong thank you, does not ring a bell
  7. Who was that, I bet he and I had our paths cross a time or 2. Thanks B.
  8. Somehow if we could go 3 for 3 on those in state guys look out!!
  9. I am far from ready to throw a party for them. 17pts not good enough but Pierce, Moe and Granson looked good today.
  10. I have come to the conclusion that the most overrated player in the NFL IS NONE other than our very own 18 million. Dollar man Quinten Nelson.
  11. How can it be so bad with all these play makers and the greatest o line in the history of all mankind
  12. To keep his average up at least 3 more
  13. Do not like starting off like this for sure
  14. I am a slow learner, get my hopes up every year. The BIG should kick us out and we can join the MAC and compete for a conference title every few years maybe
  15. I have come to the conclusion IU football will never be consistently good
  16. 20221001_200908.mp4 20221001_204819.mp4
  17. Nothing like a bunch of sissy frat boys slap boxing.
  18. Going to be an interesting evening. Ayden got 2 free tix for he and I to see Megadeth and 5 finger death punch. Glad we in the pavilion too old to do any mosh pits
  19. Not by Friday, been ruled out every Friday so far.
  20. I cannot wait for those days. That's part of the reason why Ayden is spoiled we are just to old to be mean. Enjoy those days my friend and congrats again papaw
  21. I have played Dortch the past 3 weeks. Can't decide to roll with him or Hall from the Jets in my flex position
  22. Not yet, still working, too late to still be working on a friday
  23. After we wax the corn shuckers, when CTA shakes hands I hope he goes all Herman Boone and hands the Interim coach a Red Nose , then finds the former asst and goes all Joe Pesci How am I funny, funny like a clown on that douche bag https://www.google.com/search?q=joe+pesci+how+am+i+funny&oq=joe+pesci+how+am+i+funny&aqs=chrome..69i57.12019j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:85a78068,vid:Pfcy15ZUE2c,st:0
  24. Shaq Leonard upgraded to questionable, great shot of playing IMO
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