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Everything posted by Proud2BAHoosier

  1. Hey Gang, irregardless of what your political viewpoint(s) are, I just found this youtube video today and man does it raise a lot of questions. Questions particularly about Dr. Fauci. Please watch with an open mind
  2. Also notice where delivery is between May 12 and June 3. Hopefully, the pandemic will be over by then.....
  3. Yes, I think the numbers are 71 cases with 1 death, and she is on the front line.... The head scratcher in our area is across the river in Hopkins County (Madisonville area), where they have a whopping 116 confirmed cases and 9 deaths. Also Daviess Co. (Owensboro, Ky.) has 98 cases and 3 deaths....
  4. I have a niece that when she got her doctors degree, she was recruited by a rural hospital in southern Ill. They told her if she would agree to work there for 3 years, they would pay half of her tuition! Needless to say, that is what she did. Now, years later, she is back home working at Evansvilles' largest hospitals.....
  5. Alright, how about something more humorous instead of all the doom and gloom? I own an RV and because of the closures of campgrounds around the nation, I'm really anxious to go camping. But I can't help but wonder what the first day of openings would be like. Would it be like this???
  6. Same for me, and I do pay taxes since I am self-employed. But since the economy has tanked, my business has been totally shut down. This extra income will help.... On a side note: You all know the old saying... You can't fix stupid? Well it was reported yesterday that in my town of Evansville, that there are 4 people that tested positive for the covid-19 virus and have refused to isolate themselves for the 14 day period. they were abusive to the Health Dept. workers and the Sheriff department had to be called in. They are monitoring them very closely. https://www.14news.com/2020/04/14/health-department-refuse-self-isolate-after-being-contact-with-person-who-tested-positive-covid-/
  7. Yep, my sister-in-law and her husband both received their stimulus money yesterday.
  8. And notice the date of the paper, back in January......
  9. Just thinking you should probably stay inside, lol.....😄
  10. And, IMO, come late spring and summer when the weather is nice, people will be wanting to go out and do things they would normally do. If this continues, there's no way you will keep everybody quarantined to their homes.....
  11. Had to take the wife and her 89 year old mother out today to get prescriptions and to Aldi to get supplies. Judging by the traffic I saw, not many are staying home. I'm thinking it's Easter week-end and many are shopping for it? On a side note: With all the shortages of toilet paper, it seems in Florida there is a run on this...... https://wowway.net/news/read/article/sun_sentinel-yes_south_floridians_are_even_panicbuying_baby_chi-tca/category/news
  12. And let's not forget the high unemployment has been pretty much self-inflicted......
  13. Wasn't Seattle the first epi-center?
  14. When quotes start coming from the NYT and Washington Post, I get skeptical. Both have a liberal agenda. That's all I'll say.....
  15. It's a Nissan, what more can I say???? Just kidding.....
  16. 6.6 million people, all self-inflicted, are out of work. Meanwhile 14,800 corona deaths nationwide.... Makes ya wanna go hmmm.....
  17. Evansville reported it's first covid-19 fatality yesterday. A 74 year old man that had numerous health issues, still 1 too many. A nursing home in Newburgh is reporting 9 cases of covid......
  18. Or... You could duct tape some tent poles like this guy did
  19. Welp, I'm getting cabin fever and told my wife let's hook up the RV and go camping to a nearby campground. I figured the campsites are far enough apart that we would abide by the social distancing. Well the governor nixed that idea by closing all state parks until April 20, for now.... Oh Well...
  20. Saw on the news where a tiger at the Bronx zoo has the covid-19 virus. It is suspected that the tiger got it from a zookeeper. Now that there is proof that there is a human/animal connection, people are now warned to be careful around their dogs and cats. Be careful out there, it's getting nuts..... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=tiger+has+covid-19&docid=13886752177030&mid=2AF5AE49BBDF808E72702AF5AE49BBDF808E7270&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  21. I think you may be right. In my neighborhood, many are walking their digs, running, walking, and bike riding. And they are not practicing safe distancing! My wife and I only see our grandkids via facetime on the phone, so I guess that beats nothing.....
  22. So... I'm really confused as to what services are considered "essential" and "non-essential". Looks like the lawn service guys are busy.....
  23. Our Evansville Police Dept. has a detective that has tested positive. the police department has released a fun, music video with a serious message..... https://www.14news.com/2020/04/01/epd-dont-stand-so-close/
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