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Everything posted by thirdgenhoosier

  1. Calipari, Altman, Howard too high. Pitino, McDermot too low. Lloyd not enough sample size and same w Adams. I’m not a fan but a little surprised Boeheim isn’t on the list at all.
  2. Wasn’t sure where to put this, but nice mention of Dasan. Top Frosh
  3. Noblesville’s Ashlynn Shade is going to La Lumiere next year. She was the front runner for Miss Basketball and is committed to UConn.
  4. He isn’t talking about expanding the tournament so more small schools can get in. He wants more spots for big schools. At least that’s the way I read it.
  5. Have you heard...have there been any other issues with him? Even unrelated ones? Maybe this was a final straw kind of thing?
  6. I honestly appreciated his statement. He acknowledged what happened, was transparent, and was willing to accept responsibility. But should this incident cost him his job? Are there other means of accepting responsibility without losing the job (for coaches or other professions)? I really struggle to say yes to that if it was a one time offense. Fair disclosure: I have no idea if there have been other occurrences or if this was a first time offense.
  7. Chris at btownbanners is saying DHS is staying close to home…likely either Maryland or Nova. For whatever that is worth.
  8. So my friend who texted me about DHS also said the rumors about Kaiser to Maryland were heating up, but it sounded like the Kaiser rumors were just that so I didn’t mention it in the DHS thread. I guess we will know soon on both.
  9. I agree. Not really believing what I was told but wanted to ask the question.
  10. I just got a message that he eliminated IU. Is anyone seeing anything? The person that texted me is not any kind of insider…just what he heard.
  11. Correct on Peckinpaugh. Same family. He was coaching at a small college in West Virginia at the time of that quote I think. Spent one year, maybe two, at Noblesville and then went up to Kokomo. I believe his wife is the head girls hoops coach at Kokomo.
  12. Can we lock this since there is a recruiting thread on him already?
  13. You and I chatted about him awhile back. I’m not a believer in him. However, I agree with you. No way there are 66 better.
  14. And all of those schools want to play each other every single week with no Vanderbilt, Boston College, or IU to “soften” the schedule? Nope. Not buying it. Could I see a large group breaking away from the NCAA? That I can see.
  15. And I’m saying the Big Ten schools won’t do that. Neither will the SEC. They might bring in more but they aren’t breaking apart.
  16. No one is getting kicked out. Could I be wrong? Sure. But I’ll believe it when I see it.
  17. I completely understand that many don’t like further expansion but be happy we are in the Big Ten. Our conference isn’t breaking apart and neither is the SEC. Be thankful we aren’t Oregon State, Iowa State, etc. We will be fine. JMO.
  18. Additionally, according to CBS it is official. CBS article
  19. Does Oregon add much? What about Stanford and grabbing the Bay Area market?
  20. If I’m the PAC 12 and I want to replace those two schools I’d rather add Oklahoma St, Texas Tech, Kansas, and Baylor. A type of merger so to speak. Maybe??
  21. Those days are long gone Scott. The news today is the new reality. Be happy we are not Washington St.
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