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Everything posted by pinkroync

  1. Can Alabama beat purdue if they win? Who do I root for?
  2. All you need is Ozzie/Black Sabbath, Metallica, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Rolling Stones, Elvis, and Temptations. Playlist will build itself
  3. Surely you have a friend available.
  4. So you're predicting a 2027 Championship? I hope you're related to Nostradamus!
  5. Did they host it at the Ford Center? If so I can see why. Evansville isn't a bad location either, although I have mercy on anyone's souls who stayed on the East side.
  6. I wasn't happy with the hire at the time because we were still fresh off RMK. In retrospect Major f up. He was a diversity hire IU wanted but also a great coach. I only believe less than half the stories about culture. It hasn't been a story anywhere else he's been.
  7. Purdue has been to the Elite 8 5 times. IU has won 5 Championships. Purdue always flames out early.
  8. Looks awesome. Where did you oxtail? Been wanting to try that forever.
  9. Math dorks. NET and analytics were put together by nerds who probably never even learned how to dribble. The internet has allowed losers to become professionals at things that used to be daily life.
  10. It's amazing how many people think they're relevant.
  11. You know, I'm starting to get that vibe. We forget Woodson had a great supporting cast and his senior year we had Isaiah.
  12. I'm gonna watch The Replacements now. Shane Falco and Jimmy McGinty wins with scrubs.
  13. I put the lid down with the seat. I think the whole thing is borne out of laziness/entitlement. As a matter of fact I put the lid down to protect my toothbrush. The average flush can send poo water up to 12ft in the air.
  14. If you have the tools and can get to it try drilling it out through the head. May take a few tries to find the right size bit.
  15. My wife and I went down to Shawnee National Forrest in Illnois in 2017
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