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IU Scott

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Everything posted by IU Scott

  1. I couldn't care less. Also I just don't understand why people are so hesitant to get the vaccine in the first place. If you want things to get back to normal then get the vaccine. If you don't get it you should expect your privileges to he impacted.
  2. Funny thing is that the broadcasters were talking about how Phoenix was getting screwed by the officials in the first 3 quarters
  3. Was listening to the game and tne national radio broadcasters were talking about how bad the officials has been. I got home and that was the 6th foul on Booker but the Reds eg swallowed the whistle.
  4. Just like what baseball use to be like
  5. Why don't we just swap OSU, PSU and UM for PU, UI and Minnesota
  6. Right now ESPNU is showing the top 25 games from last year and right now they are showing IU vs FSU
  7. I saw that but didn't post it since I get so much grief about it.
  8. Come on Curry and be the next Indiana kid to commit. Might ad well come and play with all the other great talent from the state
  9. Montgomery just picked by the White Sox
  10. I have seen a lot of mock drafts that had Colson going to the White Sox. That is two picks away so we might see his name selected soon
  11. Well I saw where Boone was going to take Cole out in the 9th but Cole was yelling at him so he stayed in
  12. He has pitched very well the last couple of months but doesn't have much to show for it.
  13. I am sure that they know that they will not get everyone they offer. You offer 20 kids you will only get 3-5 in a class.
  14. Nope they were way more competitive than that. They would rather beat you than join you.
  15. Imagine where the Reds would be if they had a consistent bullpen. There really isn't one guy in the bullpen who you have total trust he will get the job done. Saw where the Brewers are 15-5 in their last 20 home games with all 5 losses to the Reds
  16. Reds are being no hit by Peralta after 5 innings. The Reds offense in a prolong slump and have only scored 5 runs in this series. Even in the sweep of the Cubs they only scored 8 runs in 3 games.
  17. But he didn't bring two.or three guys with him
  18. By a trade. Also I don't find anything wrong when a team signs a free agent but don't like seeing players forming a team. Magic was drafted. Worthy was drafted. Kareem trade. Scott a trade
  19. I just know for myself I just don't enjoy the NBA game like once did. Also I don't think it is any longer basketball season which is why I have little interest in the playoffs. I also lost interest when the players started running the league and trying to form their dream teams. I remember when I was in high school I was a Lakers fan and my best friend was a Celtics fan. We use to go back and forth since those teams played in the finals all the time. What I remember was we were still in school during the finals which was in May.
  20. Reds win 2-0 Also saw where it was the YouTube game of the week and that is why it wasn't on here
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