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IU Scott

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Everything posted by IU Scott

  1. At least the Reds woke up 9-1 in the 5th
  2. Walks totally kills the Reds pitching. Braves already up 1-0 after 1 with 1 hit and two walks. I like to see the percentage of the runs gives up that reached base by walks. Also they ate racing a LH starter which the Reds had totally struggled with.
  3. Where did you see this because I haven't seen anything but a crystal ball prediction
  4. Well the Reds made a great comeback and took a 6-5 lead in the 11th. Simms got the first two out but then walked the next batter. It brought up the top of their lineup with Albies who hit a 3 run homer to win the game. Walks had totally killed the bullpen all year and it came back to bite them in the ass tonight. Last night Brantley was going off on how the management has to overhaul the bullpen in the off season. I see two major differences between the Reds and Brewers and one is bullpen and the other is the manager/front office.
  5. The librarian at my school last name was Blower and today they would make h.chanhe is name.
  6. Reds down 5-0 in the 4th. I told you that this was going to be a make or break road trip and it is definitely breaking it. Reds played great for 3 weeks but only gained two games in the standings but it is going to take the 3 days to lose 3 games in the standings. There offense has been asleep the lady 4 games and it is obvious they can't hit in Atlanta. I think the hot streak was made against bad teams and now they .are playing good teams it shows they can't compete. I am done trying to figure out how Bell thinks when it comes to handling pitching. Let Castillo stay in to give up 8 runs and tonight Miley is still in after giving up 5 runs on 3 innings. Last night he took out Gray after 5 and only 2 runs.
  7. I always thought Garrett was over rated because he was never consistent. He would usually start out well then fade in the second half of the season.
  8. I thought going into this 7 game road trip the Reds that they needed to go 5-2 but that seems very unlikely. With the Brewers playing the Cubs and Pirates I thought the Reds couldn't slip up this week
  9. I think James had a problem with making his mind up. Committed to OSU then changed to IU. He then put his name into the portal then decided to come back. Now put his name on the portal again.
  10. Well of people that think like you did what we were supposed to do the first time then we wouldn't still be worried about all of this. If everyone got vaccinated and obeyed rules the last year then the virus wouldn't still be so prevelent
  11. You mean like all of the vaccine shots kids have to get before entering school. To me that shows people care about kids health. Why don't we just go back to the 1800's where life expectancy was like 45 years old . Why have any vaccinations that help people and just let everyone just take care of themselves.
  12. Saw a quote tonight that said the majority of people that are getting the virus are the unvaccinated. Also a lot of them are under the age that can actually get the vaccine. So that means a lot of kids under 12 is getting the virus
  13. That is a terrific weekend since my birthday is on that holiday weekend
  14. Well the combination of Hembree and Garrett lost the game on the 6th inning. Hembree gave up a single, a walk and got a strikeout. Garrett came in and walked two which produced the winning run. Reds lose 3-2 and now in the last 3 games in ATL they have played 31 innings and the Reds have scored 2 runs on 17 hits. There is no reason for Himbree, Garrett and Doolittle to be on a close game. Last night Bell left Castillo in the game and pet him give up 8 runs. Tonight he takes out Gray after 5 innings and he only gave up 2 runs. Those runs were scored in the 4th and it was after the first two batters were out. He walked the next batter and then hung a breaking pit h to Duvall for a HR.
  15. I am starting to think Hembree must have some naked pictures of Bell. There would be no other to bring him into a tie game. Also why take out Gray after 5 innings and only 2 runs. Hembree gave up a hot and a walk to his first two batters.
  16. Why I brought up the vaccine is that if people got vaccinated like they should we wouldn't be in this situation. We wouldn't be having all of these new outbreaks and wouldn't have to worry about wearing mask
  17. Man Bell usually takes pitchers out to early but tonight he allowed Castillo to stay until he gave up 8 runs in 3..1 innings. Thought this was going to be an easy win for the Reds with Castillo pitching the Indians pitcher coming up n with a 7.49 era
  18. Toe getting vaccinated is like people wearing seat belts. Does seat belts prevent you from getting on an accident no, but it can prevent serious injury or death. Also there is a slim chance where having a seat belt.on can be the cause of death. If you are trapped in your car but can't get the seatbelt unlocked it can kill you. Do you not wear a seatbelt because of something that is probably around a 1 percent of happening.
  19. Read the other day where a 15 month old was in critical condition with the virus
  20. That is true but we still have to be in good position at that time to make a run at the division.
  21. Just looked at the schedules this week for both the Reds and Brewers and it looks like the Brewers have a huge advantage. Reds- 1 vs Indians, 3 vs Braves, 3 vs Phillies. Brewers 4 vs Cubs, 3 vs Pirates
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