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  1. Yeah, we need to stop the attempts at downplaying Purdue’s recent success. They’ve had a better program in recent years. Plain and simple. But can we just stop talking Purdue all the time anyway?
  2. Have I said how disappointing this is?
  3. Maybe it’ll show on the court once and for all. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. We can try to justify it all we want, but losing a sharpshooting kid (massive need) out of our backyard is a huge disappointment, and it stings.
  5. Let’s not pretend that this isn’t a huge miss / disappointment.
  6. But you keep defending Woodson when he doesn’t get high school kids. 🤔 I’m not choosing a side here as I think both are important and thinks he did enough work this past offseason to deserve a delay in judgment until after this next season is over. However, I’ll be highly disappointed to miss on all of Haralson, Reibe, and Mullins (especially Mullins). I know we’ve gotten a few big guys in the past, half seem to have solely been due to money. This has already been hashed out, not interested in debating it further. But to me, there certainly seems to be a disconnect, especially given the fact we do have a ton of NIL money to spend. Optimistic about this coming year, but concerned about the future.
  7. Disappointing news. Hope it’s inaccurate.
  8. Double the NIL Lifetime benefits Everybody knows you vs just a number at UCONN Close to home - easy for fam/friends Bloomington vs Storrs Education on par or superior The only reasons he could possibly want to go to UCONN …. likes Hurley more than Woodson, thinks it’s a better shot to win, and bc he thinks Hurley is the better option to get him to the league. I don’t buy the last one. I don’t see how he doesn’t choose IU based on the comparisons. Just doesn’t make sense. I’m guessing IU.
  9. The ITH recruiting update quotes sure didn’t sound like IU was behind in this one.
  10. To circle back to @Seeking6’s question… is all the negativity because Hurley is visiting again? Or something substantial actually happen?
  11. I’m not disputing your take (I have ZERO idea or inside info), but how do you know he works his ass off? Most of us don’t know either way, whether he does or doesn’t. Comments are solely made based on who he gets, doesn’t get, and how much he wins or loses. None of those are direct indicators of HIS work ethic one way or the other.
  12. Crimson colored bias a little maybe, but doesn’t seem like he’d say the last part about giving back if he was going to UCONN or UNC. I’m sure he would give back, not saying that, but don’t think that would be included in his answer if he wasn’t thinking about HIS community. Theoretically he could still give back to HIS community if he didn’t go to IU. But I agree with you, that sounds like his heart is intent on staying home.
  13. I think it’s important to mix in multi-year high school talent with the portal transfers though. There HAS to be some type of continuity or TEAM, people that are passing the IU way down to the next guys. Not to mention, when the state of Indiana has the hotbed of talent they do year in and year out, it should be easier to accomplish this. I know from athletic experience it’s a lot tougher for teams to gel when there isn’t familiarity or player turnover is high.
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