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Everything posted by btownqb

  1. They use 98 year olds dying to decide if a 15 year old should lose their freedoms, as well. It works both ways.
  2. 70th ranked player in FL. Hope we can close this class a little better than 2021.
  3. I'm confused why you think the unvaccinated need or want your help with their health? We don't.
  4. No they shouldn't be. lol You are out of your element in this discussion. Less than half a percentage of covid deaths are from school aged children. Read that again. There have been 350 deaths from Covid in school aged children... there were 2,700 kids killed in car accidents in 2019 alone. Again.... that's a real danger. You don't know what you're talking about.
  5. They are given a mask. lol Literally... I handed 300 of them out this week. The problem is they shouldn't be forced to wear it. Contact tracing is more of the problem for me. My wife quarantined idk how many kids last year and none of them got Covid. It's stupid. It doesn't work and it costs kids memories. But hey... someone said memories aren't important? Idk what in the actual f*** that even means. That's literally all we're going to have at the end of our life... memories.
  6. They aren't going to go back virtual. It's individuals that will have their education suffer. What does Anderson IN have to do with Columbus? Nothing. Why don't we put them in bubble wrap? lol .... I'm not going to post the stats because it's gotten to the point where some of you are numb to them, but a teenager has next to nothing to worry about when it comes to Covid. Vaping, abuse, drugs, not graduating, etc are much, much larger worries for these students. Hell STDs should be much more of a worry. Peer pressure is more of a worry. S*** is getting old. Just be realistic about the actual dangers of it. If we are so scared about Covid for the school aged kids... then sure as h*** don't let them drive to school, no way we should allow them to ever ride on an ATV either. I'm over this discussion. I wish some of you that were so worried about these students now would come spend some time in the classroom with them. We are raising a whole generation of kids that can't think for themselves.
  7. I promise there are other things for MANY of our students to worry about more than Covid. I wish everyone would have been so worried about our children's health before Covid. We would be in a lot better spot. This is a parents decision, not a school boards.
  8. The quarantining perfectly healthy individuals is wrong. "contact with someone with covid"... ridiculous. It didn't work the first time around. The masks are stupid.. but if they honestly think it helps, I'll wear them. Using two days worth of incomplete data as your reasoning for a mask mandate is.... confusing to say the least. I hope those of you with kids fight like hell if your kid gets quarantined when they aren't sick. Don't let their education suffer anymore. The Facebook stuff is an awful PR move. Either make every post with comments or don't. Don't pick and choose.
  9. wait what? you want to go back to doing the things that don't work? quarantining perfectly healthy individuals. Eeeesh. And no... it's never a good idea to censor someone just because you don't like what they have to say.
  10. Right? this is isn't all that hard to comprehend. I also saw in Minnesota they were doing away with the term "Master Bedroom" in real estate. L O L
  11. Right. I'm just confused why we need it right NOW.... they've been in school for 2 days and already the mandate? Shew. The school corps are really gambling here.
  12. Fair amount more cases in Allen Co. The running 7 day average of covid positive cases in Barth Co is 16.
  13. Bartholomew County School Corp came out last night and reinstated their mask mandate. ....they used current Covid cases from their students as reasons to enforce this ridiculous rule. They've been in school for two days lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣 On their FB page they allowed a comment section on EVERY post, but their school boards decision post on n the mask mandate. Absolutely unbelievable.
  14. Perfect argument for me not touching that "vaccine"! Thank you!
  15. You realize the death rates haven't gone up at all in Indiana... my county has averaged (as have nearly all counties averaged)... one Covid death per week. There's only one numeric value less than 1. So we are literally willing to turn our lives upside down, again, for 1 death a week? The entire states weekly average is 7. Which will account for quite a few less deaths than the flu... based on yearly average. Shocking we're having these talks again as the schools open. 🙄
  16. Didn't know Stephenson could play 1B. The Reds should feel like they have a star in the making with him right? Knock on wood Mesoraco .
  17. We're very close in our thoughts. And I bet I'd lean more towards your thoughts if I were a parent and you towards mine if you were a coach. Good luck to the Creekers.
  18. I think students should be in class regardless of their vaccination or not.. as long as they aren't sick. Some as it's always been.
  19. There has been about 1 death per week in the county I live in since March 2020. I'm trying to find a logical reason why we've allowed this to run our lives for so long.... I can't come up with one.
  20. Hopefully Mercer is recruiting this guy a lot too!
  21. That unless they show signs of being sick.... They're expected at school just like every other illness. Quarantining perfectly healthy individuals has to be the most unconstitutional thing we've allowed in a LONG time.
  22. But what does a positive test do for that family? That's what I don't understand. Assuming her symptoms are what they usually are for an 11 year old with Covid. I realize what you're saying. I'm just asking.
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