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Posts posted by mrflynn03

  1. 16 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

    Was lucky enough (because of my wife) to attend an event here in town for Indy Bar Association. I see him in his cashmere sweater and I'm thinking to myself what in the world could I ask this guy who I and my family have idolized for 40 years.

    We talked baseball for maybe 2-3 minutes. LaRussa connection, Pujols free agency was the time....but I stood there going OMG this guy who I've loved forever because of IU and Hoops....we talked baseball. 

    Will love Coach Knight forever. My Mount Rushmore is Coach Knight, Sweetness and a couple other guys but man hearing these stories today just hurts. What a legend. 

    Actually interested in the couple other guys. Walter Paytons work ethic cannot be surpassed.  That man never quit. 

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  2. Ive shared this before, and you wouldnt believe if you didn't see it. My Dad and my uncle David went in on a radio contest to win the 1992 FF4 game ball. My dad picked (IU) duh, Dave picked Duke.  

    For, context, Dave introduced my dad to IU and  RMK in 1973. We just wanted the ball.

    Long story short, Uncle Dave won the game ball on the tie breaker because he picked 81-78 duke(douche f#$k tv ted)

    So my dad got the ball and we went assembly hall and got it autographed.  Sorry for the winded story. 

    The backside has all the other autographs.




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  3. 2 minutes ago, cthomas said:

    Man I suffered through all of those. I wish we could just look at people through the lens of the time in which they lived instead of judging them by today's standards. CBK was the perfect coach for IU during his best years. He was an innovator and changed how basketball was played. What most people don't understand is what a great humanitarian he was to so many people. I am grateful to have lived during his entire tenure at my favorite university coaching the greatest game ever invested.

    It's unreal how few points separates him from 3 to possibly  7 or 8 Championships.

    Fork Wooden. Bobby Knight was better than that assclown 

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, BGleas said:

    My Dad passed away last December. When I saw the news about Bob Knight the first thought in my mind was to grab my phone and call my Dad to tell him or see if he had heard. Like you and many of us, so many of my Bob Knight thoughts are tied to my Dad. 

    Took me a beat to remember that I couldn't call him.  

    I don't want depress you or anything but losing your dad sucks. I don't think it really matters how young or old you are. I lost mine when I was only 21. I'm 38 now. So I feel for you my friend.  

    • Like 3
  5. Dad took me to Assembly one time to shoot around. Probably around 93', I was shooting 3s, I was close to 6' in 3rd grade for context. Coach and Norm Ellenberger came out of from the locker room and walked by. I said something like hey coach! He said get your ass on the block if you want to play for me. And just kept walking, didn't miss a stride. 

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    • Haha 3
  6. 8 minutes ago, Reacher said:

    I was just reminiscing with my dad about Bob Knight. He recalled that I received a (form) letter from him welcoming me to IU the summer of 86 before my freshman year. That first year at IU, and the National Championship, made me the IU fan I am today. 

    Were you in athletics?  Was if for a basketball camp?  

  7. 1 hour ago, BGleas said:

    My Dad passed away last December. When I saw the news about Bob Knight the first thought in my mind was to grab my phone and call my Dad to tell him or see if he had heard. Like you and many of us, so many of my Bob Knight thoughts are tied to my Dad. 

    Took me a beat to remember that I couldn't call him.  

    Sorry to hear about your dad. 

    I lost mine September 1st, 2006. I have a picture of me sitting on his lap while he watches the 1987 championship game. I was 2 years old at the time.  He was 45 when he died. 

    • Sad 3
  8. 8 minutes ago, mookied39 said:

    I think, no I know he means all the philanthropic things coach did outside of the public eye.  He raised so much money for the University and community.  He did so many things behind the scenes with ZERO fanfare.  He did it because he loved IU, and we loved him.  I think that was why he was SOOOOO hurt about being fired.  

    Didn't he teach history classes and give a buttload of money to the library.  I know he was into military history like I am. 

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, mookied39 said:

    2 years between 85 and 88.  The exact years escape me.

    I went 93'-96'.  Details escape me too. I just remember having a pizza "party" with Brian Evans, Charlie Miller, and Lindeman.  

    And walking everywhere.  And Coach Knight was who he was.  He was consistent, profane, and respect him for that because he wasn’t just being himself.  


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  10. 2 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

    As great as he was as a coach, CRMK’s legacy is all the things he did unrelated to a game. RIP coach. Find peace and comfort knowing that you influenced so many others. 

    I only believe half those off court stories. Did he get out of line, sure I believe that, but I don't believe ALL of it. 

    I've met the man, attended his camps, got shirts and the 92 ff4 game autographed.  He can an asshole, and a pretty decent guy. 


    Maybe he was undiagnosed bi-polar?

  11. 2 minutes ago, mookied39 said:

    I went to camp a few times, but the first time, Joby Wright introduced coach, and MY IDOL AND HERO, strides up to the podium, and says, "NO F*****G hats, did you all not hear them tell you to take your hats off?"

    Hats all around the room FLEW OFF.  I'll never forget it, and so many other memories because of you coach.  My heart is real heavy tonight.  This little boy from Portage loves you.

    What years did you go?  I'm guessing a few before me. I'll give coach some serious credit.  He was who he was, he was consistent, and didn't change for anyone. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    I may just have to dig out my copy of 'A Season on The Brink' and give it a read.  Have 2-3 other Knight-centric books that deserve a re-read as well.  

    If that was a season on the Brink I'd take it every year minus the tapout to Cleveland St in the 1st rd. I guess the book was written because of the season before?


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  13. 1 minute ago, BADGERVOL said:

    Although I knew it was going to happen soon, when I saw it on FB I gasped at the dinner table. My wife said “what’s wrong? What happened??” 

    “Knight passed away.”

    She watched my reaction of shock turn to huge tears. Just laid my head on the table for awhile. 😭

    I couldn't hold back either. 

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