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Posts posted by mrflynn03

  1. 20 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Yeah. When I was young, there were not many alternatives to Skippy.  Something I have never given up.  Though I realize there are better choices out there now.

    It's amazing how many more options their are for anything today. Potato chips especially annoy me. Here I am trying to be healthier and any flavor imaginable comes in a bag. I stay away but chips are my kryptonite.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Zlinedavid said:

    The car geek in me is curious.  What was it?

    The servo motor, the part under the dash that controls the mixing of air wasnt working. So took it off and apart, and the motor had come loose from one of its terminals.  Pushed it back in and good to go.  

    All the rest of the time was spent doing multiple flushes, replacing tstat, being distracted by IU/PSU game radio call, and searching for lost nuts and bolts. 

  3. After spending about 10hrs over 3 separate days off finally got the heat in my car fixed. As always it was something dumb and cheap but I was forced to do some preventative maintenance so there's that. 

    So now that it's fixed I figure it will be a milder winter than predicted because that's how things go for me. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    Yeah buddy...my face gets a sugar tingle just thinking about it. Love Frisch's burgers too.

    Just to throw this back on track, but does anybody else like Steak n Shake chili? I love that stuff. Steak n Shakes are few and far between down here, but Walmart sells their chili.

    Love steak n shake chili with fresh onion, cheese, and oyster crackers. And try to get their chili mac a couple times a year. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Umm.  Maybe try to add some beans.  Like Kidney beans.  Or Kidney and Black beans.  Just a suggestion. I know some people don't care for beans in their chili. But I do.  Others like to top their chili with cheese or sour cream. And that's ok for them.  But not for me.

    I used to do beans and still do on occasion.  Only reason I took the beans out is because the wife wanted to start following the paleo diet. I just like to eat food so I said whatever. 

    But thanks for the suggestion. Chili beans with kidney or black beans is my combo when I do bean in chili. 

  6. 1lb ground beef

    1lb stew meat 

    2 cans diced tomatoes 

    2 cans tomato paste

    3/4 can tomato juice

    Salt,pepper,cumin,chili powder, smoked paprika or paprika, cayenne 

    Fresh diced onion, green bell pepper, garlic, jalapeno.  

    I dont measure anything just guesstimate.  And if I smoke some pulled pork I substitute it in in place of beef. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Drroogh said:

    Okay I think the writer of this one never even tried any of them she just looked at the ingredients and said YUCK! And when she couldn't find something, it was like she chose the states most iconic food. I was almost laughing going through it!

    The Grossest Food in each State.


    This writer is a condescending umm individual.  The first sentence for Iowa's fried butter had her saying she knew middle america was trashy and called people from the hoosier state gross. That's all I need to know about the writer. And choosing between Chicago dogs and pizza as Illinois grossest food?  Live under a rock maybe?

    Also, I like steamed burgers. Very underrated. 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

    How about Mississippi? By the way the main ingredient in Chitlins also encases your favorite Hot Dog! Just saying. 😄

    When I was traveling around Louisiana I got some fresh chitlins from a gas station thinking they were the same as pork rinds. Was not a fan. Wasnt until watching bizarre foods a few years later that I learned what it was. 

    I can do sausages but eating them straight they are a bit too barnyard tasting for me. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    Kansas gets credit for the massive, 3X outside the bun pork tenderloin, while the Hoosier state gets hung with pudding from some persimmon festival!?!?


    As a connoisseur of massive pork tenderloins this offends me. Really thought indiana would have that. 

    I've had the persimmon pudding and while good isn't something I would consider bucket list. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Drroogh said:

    Let's be real. The best donut in Indiana are my homemade doughnuts. I can bread and deep fry a flip flop and still win.😁JK


    But I do make some pretty good doughnuts 

  11. 6 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

    Elvis Presley's favorite sandwich : Peanut butter, jelly, and banana . With or without bacon.

    Elvis Presley's Legendary Midnight Sandwich Run on his Private Jet

    Holy cow. I've made a junior sized version similar to elvis's sandwich with one twist. I put butter and cinnamon sugar on the outside before I cook it a bit.

    Did not realize he preferred a coronary sized sandwich. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Drroogh said:

    Was tempted to put this in the " Strange food that tastes good " thread, but most of these don't sound that good.

    Strange food from every state!


    I would have thought it would be the brain sandwich for indiana. 

    I have replicated the Connecticut steamed burger using a tuna can and vegetable steamer. Turned out very good. 

    • Like 1
  13. I mostly read non-fiction, mostly US history related though some fiction like Tom Clancy. 

    S.O.G, by John L Plaster, is a book about US special forces clandestine operations in Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam war.  The author was a part of this group. Gives a different aspect of the war that you dont learn in a history class. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Reacher said:

    I hope you were not on the water. Those lakes can get rough.

    I've had to put up sandbags for flooding (thankfully stopped just before my house), and seen a couple of tornadoes.

    Luckily we still had camp setup as it started to roll in.  Nobody wanted to fight the waves and paddle into the wind. So we just hunkered down in our tents. 

  15. 5 hours ago, IUFLA said:

    That had to put quite a twist on a canoe adventure...

    Sure did. We didn't know how serious it was until we got back to the outfitters.  They even made us a certificate showing we survived "the storm of the century"

    And I had forgotten all about it until you asked your question. 

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