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Posts posted by Cbp4IU

  1. 2 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

    I have watched a lot of games and the last month I have seen most teams shortening their rotation. I don't see many teams playing playing more than 8 guys and some only playing 7 like Duke


    I’m not saying shorting the bench isn’t a bad idea this year but could you imagine if we shortened the bench next year… My goodness Durr gets gassed after running up and down the court 6 times…. Imagine him playing 28 minutes. 

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  2. 15 minutes ago, BGleas said:

    I don’t  know what to tell you. Outside of a few stagnant possessions, which Rutgers had on their end too, we got great looks. 

    We got the ball to the high post and the low block. We forced them to collapse on TJD and then kicked out to great, to decent shooters for wide open looks and we just didn't make them. 

    What's the solution? Politely ask them to not play zone? 

    They played zone. Our zone offense got really good looks for the most part. We misses those good looks. End of story. 

    And this right here is why we need an overhaul of shooters that Woodson must bring in. If not more and more teams will run zone on Iu. The only problem will be that Iu might not have any post threats to trust even to make the passes our bigs made last night. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, 5fouls said:

    Not saying that, and I will listen to legitimate arguments for the last 3.  The first one, however, is indefensible in my opinion.  Each and every game stands on its own.  Based on what was happening on the floor, Geronimo was going to help the team be successful tonight,  The other two (Race and Stewart) were not.  And, I'll even throw Durr into that since he got 5 minutes of time in the 2nd half.that could have went to Geronimo as well.  

    • Ride Keith Smart in the '87 championship game when he is hot
    • Ride Christian Watford against UK when he is on fire

    When a player is making a difference, let them play!



    Durr was too slow for that game. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    We are who we are.  This loss isn't out of the norm.  It's a typical loss - you can't deny it.

    It hurts to look at it this way, but the better team went on the road and won in a tough environment.  Every coach in the league knows how to beat IU, and you could see the confidence oozing off Pickiell's face in the second half.  Keep it close, and you will beat IU.

    Need to hit the portal hard.  There's enough data to know you aren't winning with this roster.  

    Until we get winners around the program we will have loser mentalities. Until you bring in players who want to work hard and play for the name on the front of the jerseys we will be stuck right where we are. 

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  5. 31 minutes ago, SawatchHoosier said:

    Agree. I Feel like the coaching staff did everything they could to win this game but our players just couldn't hit shots. They continually drew up plays that created open shots and they didn't hit. 

    I think one time Rutgers literally let Stewart shoot it and they were content on letting him do that. 

    • Sad 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, BobSaccamanno said:

    We aren't going to lose, but could you imagine if we did and Woody sat there, with the imaginary halo over his head, naively saying "I have to get them over the hump?"  This place would burn down.

    Oh my… That would be something. Even Twitter and other social media platforms would be something. 

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  7. 18 minutes ago, RoadToZion said:

    The reason we lost last night was because Woody kept Stewart on Branham. Why? I have no idea. I need to wake up from this nightmare. 

    Not having Galloway at the end hurt but ya… No idea why Stewart and Kopp have been guarding the go to man the last 2 games. It’s a migraine. 

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