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Posts posted by Cbp4IU

  1. 5 minutes ago, twenty02 said:

    Transfers have never been a road to winning in P5 BB. I understand how we are now operating in a different rule era... but beyond filling pehaps a single missing piece here or there... you aren't building a winning program on backs of transfers.  We have 3 in our starting lineup.... we really want to keep trying this over and over? 


    Who was the last good transfer that played at IU? 

    No doubt the only decent transfer is Biefeldt. But I rather take a few grad transfer then keeping some of these guys.

  2. I think the frustrating part about all of this is we know this was the chance to make the tourney. Now with potential of no Race and TJD next year it could get worse. Not saying it will but it could. Do you let your freshmen have big minutes right away next year or do you try to bring in another wave of transfers that may or may not work. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Hoosier4Life53 said:

    Johnny Davis beat us single handily. How do you let a guy take over in your own gym in a game you have absolutely to win? 

    Because of the people who were guarding him. It was down right comedy to see Kopp guarding him. I thought I was seeing things.

  4. This where I stand with IU going into next year. If we make the NIT I hope Woody only plays guys he thinks will be back during it.

    Bates, Galloway and Geronimo hopefully take that next step. I hope Race stays one more year. 

    If somehow TJD stays I would have him shoot 500 times with his right hand a day. 

    Xavier Bates Galloway Geronimo Race is still a top tier big ten team if TJD leaves. If Trayce comes back though I think Woodson goes Upperclass heavy.

    Xavier Bates Galloway Race TJD

    with JHS, Geronimo first off the bench. If Kopp and Stewart return I see only 10-15 minutes a game for them. Maybe they take it… Maybe not and leave. 


  5. 22 minutes ago, IUCrazy2 said:

    Some of these guys have been suspended more than once for "breaking the team rules" now.  If you are going to allow the rules to be broken with impunity, why have them?

    These guys are adults and we don't know where the team was staying, but to get weed in a city like Chicago that I believe none of them are from, could lead you into some trouble that doesn't just involve sneaking out and smoking weed.

    If they want to party and have a good time, whatever.  Doing it the night before a game is stupid.

    That’s why I’m saying moving forward Stewart needs to earn back his starting spot if he doesn’t want it… Then he can go elsewhere  

  6. 40 minutes ago, cybergates said:

    I would have put the 5 suspended players in with less than a minute to go when the game was out of reach. I would have told them this loss is on you and your actions so you get out there and take it. Look at what you did to your teammates. 

    And tell them don’t bother shooting it. 

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