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Everything posted by Drroogh

  1. Then it would be “Just Scottie”
  2. Sounds like some SEC fans I know, except they would leave the girls out of it!😂
  3. Don’t forget to enter the HSN women’s bracket challenge!!!!
  4. C’mon people only 24 in HSN bracket challenge?! Worse, only 7 in the women’s bracket!?
  5. Yeah that goes well with the TCU frog horns these guys are struggling.
  6. I’m in for the men’s, still waiting on the women’s reveal. Had tough time resisting @5fouls Montana St. Edit:Women’s bracket is done. Edit: IU women hang a sixth banner!!!
  7. Found out this string duet is performing locally next Saturday.
  8. Remember when I had my Russian friend I told my neighbor to text me if he saw any black SUV’s so I could make a quick exit into the woods! Strangely one night sitting on the deck I saw 2 black SUV’s coming up the hill and then drive past to the end of the road. Soon they came back by again! I was happy when they were gone!
  9. I was having the same issue on my iPhone but suddenly it started working without doing anything??
  10. Hate it for him he really is a talent and hope comes back 100% That being said I think OSU played better defense without him.
  11. I do believe PSU recently beat the Illini for a 3rd time. Some teams just don’t match up well,
  12. For all of you questioning TJD’s perimeter skills, our friend @The Daily Hoosier posted a video last spring of TJD working out at the combine. Yes TJD can shoot from the perimeter!
  13. Nothing against Jordan he works his butt off, but I think he’s missing a few basketball nerve synapses between the ears. Not sure there’s a cure for that?
  14. He’s still butt-hurt over Eric Gordon
  15. What do you expect, people from Jersey can’t even pronounce Jersey!
  16. Tried the garlic ribeye, I wasn’t impressed. However since Covid my taste buds are questionable.
  17. He touched 2 two wrongs make a right
  18. Crap just realized I’m eating lunch at the bar while watching the game!
  19. By the time the IU game comes on you’ll hardly be able to sit in your chair.🍻
  20. Hey all, don’t forget to join the HSN bracket challenge. This year both Men’s and Women’s
  21. Even with 3 I’ll still end up next to last!
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