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Everything posted by bluegrassIU

  1. Maryland does not play very smart basketball. Not sure if it is the players or the coach, or both. Kevin Willard isn't very likeable imo.
  2. Geronimo getting next to zero playing time for the twerps.
  3. I think they were that short due to fatigue. Typically intentional misses are missed long.
  4. Exactly. He needs to realize with his athleticism, he just needs to focus on fundamentals and execution. Not always going for the home run, on either end. Be solid, be in the right place. The points and steals will come because he has the talent.
  5. Oh, I 100% agree with your sentiment.
  6. I am more excited but what he can offer us defensively. Focus there, and let the rest come. That's my.hope.
  7. To be fair, it's not a must win. That term is a bit overused. A one and done playoff game is a must win. If one more loss mathematically eliminates you, that's a must win. If we lose to Rutgers but then beat Purdue, Illinois and Wisconsin (granted very unlikely) then we are in great shape. Yes, I am being pedantic here. I know. It just seems every game from game 1, somebody is calling a must win.
  8. Depends who those wins are against. Beat Purdue and Illinois while going 12-8, we should be a pretty easy "in".
  9. I understand. But sometimes, as a fan, it's just enjoyable to be happy when your team wins a game. That's fun. My team wins, I am excited.
  10. Banks did provide some good minutes on the defensive side. But I hear ya. Lol
  11. No doubt. If those two step up consistently, we can be so long and so good defensively.
  12. Come on, you can't have FOUR players of the game, my man. 🤣🤣
  13. Gunn brings a lot defensively with his length and athleticism. He shoots very well when he gets squared and goes straight up. With his size and athleticism, he absolutely can be a key factor as we progress. A maturing CJ and healtyh XJ and our backcourt suddenly is pretty solid. Let's hope!
  14. When XJ plays well, we are a competitive team. Today, he was very very good. Gunn played great. Malik became Mr Buckets in the 2nd half. But XJ set the tone at both ends all game long.
  15. Thus team keeps doing just enough to keep me engaged. It's almost criminal how they mess with my emotions. Big, important home win.
  16. XJ, able to make a play at the end of the shot clock. That's another reason we need him. He is the only guy we have that brings that skillset.
  17. Been solid.on defense as well.
  18. Being a sports fan can be absolute torture sometimes
  19. Mgbako still really struggles on defense.
  20. Man, just how bad is Michigan and Maryland?
  21. Hey, if you are guarding Battle, maybe don't help off of him. Just a random thought.
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