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Sleeping With The Enemy
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Posts posted by Zlinedavid

  1. 14 minutes ago, bluegrassIU said:

    Thank you!!

    I am tring to think of thos years tip teams. Who had a real "designated sharp shooter"

    It's a bit overblown.we just need good players that shoot it respectuffly. Not a designated sharp shooter.

    Jones for Purdue took almost as many 3s as the next two below him combined and shot 35%. 

    For UConn, Karaban, Newton and Spencer all took about the same amount of 3s and shot 44%, 37% and 32%. 

    So you're right, this whole idea that we need this 45-50% 3PT shooter or our season is going to be a failure is kind of a panicky reaction.  Give me 3-4 guys that can shoot it at 33-36% vs 2 that are at 40%+.  That's what will keep defenses honest. 

    • Like 5
  2. 4 minutes ago, IUfaninIllinois said:

    As long as we have 8 donors that are willing to spend $1m a year or 4 donors $2m a year then you’re probably right. They also have to be committed to future inflation too

    You don't get to that level of wealth without knowing how to have a rate of return greater than inflation. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, IUFLA said:

    I have...exceptions to everything I'd reckon

    The one I'll never forget, James Young.  2014, after UConn beat UK for the national title, this kid (a freshman at the time, surprise surprise) showing no signs of sadness/anger over losing a national championship game is whipping out t-shirts with his own "personal brand/logo". 

    And surprise surprise, he went in the first round of the draft, played a total of 95 games across 4 years for two teams and has bounced between the G-League and Europe since. 

    If that isn't real-deal diva, I don't know what is. 

    • Like 4
  4. 6 minutes ago, Hoosier4Life53 said:

    While I’m excited about the addition of Tucker, Rice and Ballo, I see a repeat of last year unless we get a couple of legitimate 3pt shooters…and I mean an in your face type of guy!

    Someone talk me down off the ledge…please.

    Freshman year: 32 games started, 23/76 3PT shooting, 30%.  Kind of meh, right?
    Sophomore year, same coach: 36 games started, 88/220 3PT shooting, 40%. 

    Say hi to Yogi Ferrell, btw. 

    Kids develop skills.  Kids enhance skills.  Kids evolve their game. 

    Watch TJD as a sophomore and tell me that this kid would be leading fast breaks as a senior.  Go back and watch DJ White as a freshman vs a senior: went from a high flying mid-range shot blocker into a low post beast. 

    We have talented players, even ones that were on the roster last year.  Give them time. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Drroogh said:

    To this and your above post change is inevitable! The change isn’t the real problem though, the inability of the majority to adjust is the problem! It’s what makes ‘Old People’ ‘Old People’

    Old people don't necessarily have to have old perspectives though.  The ability to see that change is necessary despite it being against our own personal preferences is wisdom. 

  6. Just now, FKIM01 said:

    Maybe.  It's a good argument. That being said, I've always preferred amateur sports to professional sports and I suspect I always will.  What's the main difference between amateur and professional sports...?

    Is it really an "amateur" sport when there are multi-billion dollar media contracts?

    I've said it other places as well.....none of this is new, it's just legal to talk about now.  Paying players has been going on since John Wooden in the 1970s. 

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

    I'm good with the leveling of the playing field but I don't ever recall feeling this way about the 3-point line.

    That's because for you and me, those are our "good old days".  In 35 years, there's going to be guys in their mid 30s-50s saying "Can you believe that as little as 35 years ago, they weren't paying these guys? But I don't know about XYZ-change....I think it ruins the integrity of the game."

    35 years ago, it was "Can you believe that 25 years ago, the slam dunk was illegal? It's part of what makes the game exciting.  I don't know about this 3 point line stuff though...ruins the integrity of the game."

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, tdhoosier said:

    I sometimes wonder at the root of everything is generational envy.

    I don't think it's envy so much as human beings are inherently resistant to change.  We like getting in our own little comfort zones and staying there.  That's why change is more often evolutionary vs revolutionary. 

    It's not so much that we view change as bad, it's just different. 

    And in today's world, the threat of change is possibly even more potent than actual change.  Social media and the 24/7 news cycle causes information to get spread at incredibly fast rates.  Sometimes too fast, in the case of mis-information.  People grab one nugget of information and think their entire world is going to change.  When in reality, it's not. 

    • Like 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, DWB said:

    I honestly think he could have bought a new AC compressor for the car, for less than the gas generator and AC in this picture.



    My initial reaction was "Why the generator? Just run a power inverter and possibly install a 2nd battery...."

    My next reaction was "Why am I trying to improve the engineering on a window A/C unit duct taped to a Geo Prizm?"

    • Haha 3
  10. 37 minutes ago, Muddy River said:

    Agreed.  Gone are the days of playing for the name on the front of the jersey.  Now they play for the names in the wallet.  Wonder if we should consider changing our team name to the “Benjamins”….:coffee:

    There's a reason that the old "company store" business model doesn't exist anymore.  Why? Because it sucks getting paid in scrip whenever there are people out there getting s**t rich in actual money from your efforts. 

    Here is one thing that will not change: the media rights to college basketball/football generate huge amounts of dollars.  And we're not talking drips and drabs.  These are obscene amounts.  Scrooge McDuck money bin amounts. 

    The university is making god knows how much.  Your coach and possibly even his top assistant are making 7 figures.  And you're supposed to put your body on the line in exchange for a scholarship that isn't going to cost the university even $100K over 4 years and have to live by rules where someone can't buy you a damn bagel?

    "....I owe my soul to the company store......"

    The concept of playing as a team and for each other isn't dead.  Look at the back to back seasons UConn has had.  99% of kids aren't asking for the whole pie, just their slice.  And believe it or not, even the bench players are getting paid and some are even doing some good with it.  Anthony Leal made enough NIL money in one year to pay off his sister's 4 years of student loans in full and have some left over. 

    • Like 8
  11. 21 minutes ago, thirdgenhoosier said:

    Is Matt Carlino in the portal again?  Lol. Surely a bunch of you remember that guy!  Felt like he was all over the place!

    Carlino was originally committed to Arizona, then IU, then wound up at UCLA, BYU and Marquette, in that order. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, IUALUM03 said:

    If you think the coach is leading the charge on fundraising behind the scenes, then I don't know what to tell you.  Yes, the coach is giving his time to shake hands, make appearances, etc., but the AD is the person that doing the real work.  It ain't Woody or any coach for that matter.  They just show up where and when they are told, although obviously there are probably some personal relationships there in some instances.  That has been well-established this past will-he-or-won't-he be our coach next year event a month or so ago. 

    I never said "leading the charge".  There is a level of involvement between "leading the charge" and "someone else does that". 

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