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Everything posted by GoshenFan84

  1. XJ isn’t perfect but he’s been a breath of fresh air at the guard position
  2. I never wear IU gear on game day. I don’t even use my IU coffee mug!
  3. They’ve been feasting on the poor help rotations.
  4. What I liked is the ability to fight back and take the lead until that last possession. Last years team would have let them get hot and stay hot.
  5. I like IU’s chances in the 2nd half. Marshall took control when IU played all bench players.
  6. Not a good segment for X. Got T’d up then instantly picked up #2. Both starting guards with 2 fouls.
  7. Parker Stewart 3-3 with 7 points. All 3 were all net
  8. It's also interesting to see who is coming to the defense of the hedge funds.
  9. The irony is that the hedge funds said Reddit is manipulating the market so they shut down buying which is manipulating the market, just in the favor of the hedge funds. You can still sell, but no one can buy which will cause the price to plummet.
  10. Here's a good video that breaks down what's going on. Basically, retail investors are getting in on market manipulation and Wall St. isn't happy about it.
  11. SIAP - I am about 2 weeks behind this thread. When projecting when the USA/State/community hits the peak, it is better to look at new cases instead of deaths. Deaths are a lagging indicator meaning someone who is dying today, first contracted the virus 2-3 weeks ago. Regarding Hydroxychloroquine, a plant is opening in West Virginia that is planning on making 50 million tablets, enough for 1.5 million people, by mid-April. Here's how I see it playing out: By May 1st, Indiana and most of the USA will have been quarantined for 6 weeks. That is sufficient time to find hot spots and stop the spread. As soon as this HCQ is fully available, the direction will be to get a test (which will become easier and more widely available), start taking the HCQ ASAP (it works best at the onset of symptoms and prevents the spread throughout the cells), then quarantine for 2 weeks. We will continue social distancing and non-high risk groups will go back to work. Here in Indiana, we'll peak in deaths next week. Here's the website Dr. Birx from the taskforce referenced. https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections
  12. Plus, to handle the backlog of tests, in CA they are saying to test only if it will change the treatment option. Also, they are saying to prioritize testing for patients already admitted to the hospital. The ratio of positive to negative test results is ~10% across the entire nation. That means people are having symptoms, but have strep/flu/cold 9/10 times. Considering these changes, I think we'll see the ratio increase. I'm really excited to start hearing results from the hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, and zinc cocktail that has worked, anecdotally. They started a big trial in NYC yesterday.
  13. I read the article Saturday night then went to refresh the page Sunday morning and it was gone. In the comments, there was an epidemiologist who disagreed with the article . There was a long twitter thread by this person, but most of this person's complaints were ad hominem attacks towards the author. I have read other professionals agree with it. I liked the article and I thought he made some good points. I would really like to see data on cases per capita. The John's Hopkins map shows NYC as having 10,665 active cases. NYC's population is ~8.6 million. I would also like to have demographic data (age, Yes/No with pre-existing conditions, etc.) of every case. I keep seeing anecdotal stories, but no hard data. What I'm most excited about is the chloroquine trials that are starting in NYC tomorrow. I think is a real game changer and we should have some good data by the weekend. Here's an article where a Florida man was cured within a couple of days. https://nypost.com/2020/03/22/florida-man-with-coronavirus-says-drug-touted-by-trump-saved-his-life/
  14. Just watched the press conference from this afternoon. The US is going to ramp up testing big time this week so watch for confirmed cases to explode, which it to be expected.
  15. Our pastor as well but we've had telecast ever since we started going. Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
  16. I'm in northern Indiana. The store was busy and people were stocking up as if a blizzard was coming, but I haven't seen anything too crazy like people buying all the ramen noodles. TP and Clorox wipes were out but most other stuff was well stocked. My biggest concern is having to feed my 3 kids for a month when the crazies buy all the shelf stable items this weekend.
  17. https://www.in.gov/coronavirus/2393.htm Here's the Indiana map. I think there were 3 new cases yesterday. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html This is John's Hopkins worldwide map.
  18. Is this you every week at work?
  19. Marion county Schools are shutting down. Chances are tomorrow will be the last day of school for awhile in Indiana
  20. I agree. I'm ok with everyone who can just lay low for a few weeks. If mrflynn's intel is correct, this will quickly dissippate once spring has fully sprung.
  21. Someone had it at the FW home and garden show. Let's see if the cases around The Fort explode over the next couple of weeks. https://www.wane.com/top-stories/covid-19-positive-person-attended-fort-wayne-home-garden-show/amp/
  22. I work in South Bend. We were told to work from home until next Friday and I bet they'll extend it a few weeks.
  23. Just got back from the store this morning and thought of a situation like this. Headline: "Meijer cashier diagnosed with coronavirus. All shoppers who used checkout aisle 13 last weekend may have been contaminated as well."
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