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Everything posted by dbmhoosier

  1. I'd say Woody's roundup is now complete.
  2. Another solid pickup. Looks like the roster is now pretty set.
  3. I don't know why but I always have to finish Rocky 1-4 when they're on.
  4. Can't be any worse than McRobbie, Herbert, or Brand. She does have a degree from UK though.
  5. I like the grey area. Seems like CMW does too.
  6. Sounds like Dolson decided to go full basketball factory. Considering all that goes on at Kansas, Duke, UNC, UK, Arizona, etc I'm fine with it. The NCAA has made it very clear that they do not care.
  7. My only issue is that many were freaking out over possibly hiring Scott Drew but are now seemingly fine with Rosemond.
  8. Loyalty and respect. You have it or you don't. Armaan didn't have it obviously. Good luck AF.
  9. Not surprised. We weren't getting Lewis and Fife.
  10. Not sure of this has been posted before but a good interview with Woody and his background.
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