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Everything posted by dbmhoosier

  1. 20 years ago today Indiana basketball was destroyed 😢
  2. Halloween will be canceled but Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's will go on as usual. Bank it.
  3. It's just like Demolition Man. Spartan: All right Huxley, let's do it the old-fashioned way. Huxley: [cringes] Disgusting! You mean... fluid transfer? Spartan: No, I mean boning, the wild mambo, the hunka chunka... Huxley: That is no longer done. Do you know what the exchange of bodily fluids leads to? Spartan: Yeah I do. Kids, smoking, a desire to raid the fridge. Huxley: Rampant exchange of bodily fluids was a major cause of society's downfall. After AlDS, there was NRS, then there was UBT. One of the first things Dr. Cocteau did was to outlaw and engineer all fluid transfer out of socially acceptable behavior. Not even a mouth transfer's condoned. Spartan: Kissing's not allowed? [Lenina shudders at the thought] Damn, I was a good kisser.
  4. I'm sure they just didn't want anyone to think they were about to rob the joint.
  5. RIP. Blazers, UConn star Clifford Robinson dies at 53 https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29765226/former-portland-trail-blazers-great-cliff-robinson-dies-53 via @ESPN App http://espn.com/app
  6. It's the teachers union that's poisoned their minds. They are these poor oppressed people making solid middle class salaries with amazing benefits. Oh and they only work 1 out of 2 days and can never be fired.
  7. Victory over Japan Day or maybe tomorrow depending on time zone.
  8. I told my wife that I want a man cave like this. She said no. 😔
  9. Haven't been in 2 years and I love movies. But if you have a nice 77" 4k set in your basement with a high end sound system it's much better to watch from home.
  10. Are any movies actually being released now?
  11. I'm going to assume that is sarcasm.
  12. I think a lot more people will be working remotely for years to come. I also think NYC is dead.
  13. I think you have to be in the same zip code as the billing address.
  14. https://www.hoosiertimes.com/herald_times_online/news/local/special-prosecutor-sought-in-july-4-lake-monroe-incident/article_e8b2737a-d118-11ea-8ad5-63633bf196b2.html
  15. Apparently it's available OTC in many countries so it's probably fairly safe.
  16. Yeah agreed unfortunately. Football just seems extremely unlikely to happen.
  17. Was he talking about the 1889 Indianapolis Hoosiers? I never knew that was a real baseball team.
  18. How can they possibly enforce that?
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