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Everything posted by Joe_Hoopsier

  1. I don't "know" crap about football plays, but even I was asking myslef.... Umm why put all of those players on the very short side of the field. HAd that little screen action worked, obviously we all would be thumping our chest, but damn it was pretty busy over on the right side.
  2. Jack Tuttle SUCKS !! Reverse self jinks !! lol
  3. YES, And maybe Tuttle should have played sooner? He seems confident and has executed so far.
  4. We really need a hate/ pissed off emoji on this platform. 800 / 63.... and then all of the other things in "oops" error. Not buying it.
  5. Years ago, my first house, I was building a log cabin. I had a great relationship with my neighbor (I'm his youngest son's god father). He showed up in the yard one day, it was way out in the country so we drove through each others yards, no prob! He brought a 12 pack of Busch lite, and some contraption that was his new passion in life that he was putting up all over his property. I didn't know what it was, even after his long drawn out narrative of how great it was. Then he told me, it was a wood pecker feeder....I love that sumb$tch.! He's got my sense of humor and puts in the effort!
  6. It has been building to that for several years, due to emission controls. I do have to say, it caused them to create the 4 stroke outboard engine which I totally love !
  7. You hate me don't you! You know how big of a boat I COULD of had? Thank you anyway sir.
  8. Thank god you came to your senses! Now I've got to drive to town, this whole thing has be ready for a crave case. ... and Gas-ex for the mrs's. Today is when I met her and married in Vegas 8 years ago. So this should be epic.
  9. Being a devoted American Airline customer, I hope that they (and all the rest) "not publicly" coordinate like this. If anyone needs a ride, I've got 3 open seats
  10. There should be public floggings for even thinking of doing that. barf.
  11. Well maybe the student that didn't make the grade could say it was because he was drunk? Not trying to make light of your concern, but.
  12. It is a Beer club with a Running addiction, at least that is their motto. They are groups of people who organize running events, they lay out a course and there are several stops along the route. At each stop, you drink as many beers as you can, then run to the next stop. Often they will have a camp out at the end of the run, at least the Bloomington group does. Let's just say their camp outs can be quite liberal/ free spirit so to say... I mentioned it here because I think there are several who exercise, yet this is the beer thread . What is really surprising to me is that there are groups nearly all over the world. ON ON !
  13. They handle the Crop Dusters. ✈️
  14. Big ole' Purple, sliced about 3/8" thick, is what I just had.
  15. Yep, except you can do the "assembly" right on your plate. Those Indian's are pretty efficient.
  16. Perusing my old photo's. Took this from a Bathroom in Tombstone AZ, 2015.
  17. Slice an onion, squirt it down with Lemon juice. Eat. I learned this while touring India for 3 weeks. After about an 8 hour car ride, we were heading into our stop for the night in Daman. Daman is a "dry" state so my guide thought he'd treat me with an Indian Snack food. Sliced Onion with lemon juice. It wasn't freakin booze, but I am actually sitting here right not munching on it. It's that yeng/ yang thang with a totally boring twist that I just can't seem to stop eating. Freakin punjabies!
  18. Preach it AMEN Brother ! There is a mandate coming, that was already pretty emphatically stated a couple hundred years ago. Now, everyone go forward and live and let live. Love and let love.
  19. I always ask any woman that I might date if I can just call her Alexa from first contact. We all know, if it goes any further that she's going to know everything anyway. It's always better to be on the same page I say.
  20. I've told it before, I think. My first Prostate exam wasn't planned, it was do to an illness, "down there". I was scheduled as an emergency with a NP, there were no Dr. available. Much to my "enjoyment", the NP was a girl I grew up with all through school AND she was the principles daughter, wink wink.
  21. Those were our fancy bowls when I was growing up!
  22. Any of you Beer lovers a member of the Hash House Harriers? This "Freak" I dated years ago, introduced me to them. They are a neat bunch and I had forgotten about them, but saw a bumper sticker a few days ago.
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