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Everything posted by 5fouls

  1. We could sell half-game tickets. Clear the arena at halftime and let a new group come in.
  2. Tom Crean front and center on espn.com https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/33400503/why-georgia-bulldogs-win-men-college-basketball
  3. Not specific to this year's tourney, but I have a question. I went to the first 4 Big Ten Tournaments ever. One with my best friend and the other three with my brother. Watched every second of every game all 4 years. I've not been to one since. But, my son is a Senior in high school this year and I'm hoping at some point in the next couple of years, his college spring break falls on BTT week. My question is this. Does anyone know how difficult it is to get tickets if you are not a season ticket holder? When I went to the first 4 tournaments, I was getting them through a co-worker who was a season ticket holder. That's been a long time ago, so I don't know how available they are to the general public. And, is it more difficult to get tickets when the tournament is in Indy vs Chicago?
  4. Anyone else ever notice that marine life is more active after an IU loss? Weird.
  5. Didn't hear this one on the commute today, but it kind of sums up how I feel after last night's game. It goes into a one-time special category called IU vs Rutgers
  6. Yep, let's do that. The basketball program does nothing for the University.
  7. Kelvin Sampson is a helluva basketball coach.
  8. Ewing just not a good fit for Georgetown. He's better suited to coach a school like Purdue.
  9. He must not have seen himself when he was coaching IU basketball.
  10. I thought maybe Watford deserves another as well, but I've always seemed to appreciate him more than other people do. He wasn't just a shooter. He was solid on the boards as well.
  11. Is there a 3 checkmark limit? Otherwise you need to add more checks to Oladipo. I will also quibble with the FRESHMAN version of Yogi over XJ. Senior version Yogi over XJ, I agree. But not freshman Yogi.
  12. I repeat. I support Coach Woodson fully. Last night, it is my opinion we could have won the game if he did a few things differently. That's why we come to message boards. To discuss and share our opinion.
  13. Wonder who Dan thinks that player is
  14. You know what sucks. Being on a team Zoom call at work that, after business is taken care of, evolves into a discussion on sports streaming options. At that point, the Rutgers fan on your team brings up last nights game. His comment is then followed by someone else (not a Rutgers fan) mentioning that's five in a row for Rutgers over Indiana. Not to be outdone, someone else has to bring up what the game does to the tournament hopes of both teams. Yep. That sucks, and I just lived it 15 minutes ago.
  15. Whatever it takes. Dont want him at IU, but he would have Maryland near the top of the conference in 2 years.
  16. Trayce and XJ need to be on the floor for 35+ minutes. Its March. The game should be played differently than how it was in November or December.
  17. We dont have one, but we didnt have that anyway last night. Find a different way to beat the zone. It couldn't have hurt. We lost not trying it. How does doing something different hurt worse th than that. Might as well have tried it. The committee is going to look at the Final score, not the fact that we executed to get open shots but we were just unlucky that our two 'shooters' didnt shoot well.
  18. Why hasn't he played there before? He's 6'6". We couldn't find him minutes at the 3 in the pre-conference slate to get him comfortable there? If both XJ and Rob are on the floor, do you need a 3rd ball handler? Stewart doesn't handle the ball on the perimeter. He shoots or passes if he touches it. Kopp rarely drives and when he does, it's even more rare he succeeds. Have Race play the Kopp role and slide Geronimo into Race's slot in the high post. Think outside the box and try something different if what you're doing is not working. Last night, there is no way Geronimo is as ineffective at the 3 than Stewart and Kopp were. And, he gives us solid defense and rebounding as a bonus.
  19. If two players who are primarily playing for one reason, are BOTH consistently not executing, then why are both in the game? I'm not talking about the last possession when we had to have a 3. I'm talking about the 19 minutes of the 2nd half up until that point.
  20. Look. I believe in coach Woodson. I think he will get things going in due time. That does not mean he cant be criticized. He played the type of game the opponent wanted last night. He kept Geronimo on the bench even though he was impacting the game when on the floor. He played our 3 best players a total of 14 minutes less than Rutgers played theirs. We can sit there and shrug our shoulders and blame it on missing shots. But, at some point, before you have to shoot the one at the end, you have to realize your shooters are not having good games and TRY something different.
  21. Rutgers went to zone and gave us those threes to take away our inside play and XJ's dribble penetration. Us shooting 3's is what they wanted. If we hit some, great. But, we didnt until the very end. We let Rutgers dictate how the game was played. That should not happen in Assembly Hall. Find a different way to beat the zone when shots arent falling. We didnt do that.
  22. Harper, Baker and Omoruyi played a total of 14 minutes more than TJD, XJ, and Race. And, none of our guys were in foul trouble. Play our guys 14 more minutes and I think we could find 4 more points. Any disagree?
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