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Everything posted by tdhoosier

  1. Finally watched parks and rec this summer. John Ralphio and Mona Lisa are the best characters ever.
  2. Since a lot of us will have some free time on our hands; i thought this thread could be resourceful. Name 2 shows you binged hardcore this year and 2 you are inquiring about (to see if others HSNers have seen them and would recommend them). Bingeworthy. (Period) 1. Messiah on Netflix: Iā€™m embarrassed to say I watched the entire first season in 36 hours. 2. The Outsiders on HBO: Great show written by Stephen King; season 1 just wrapped last week Bingeworhty? (Question mark) 1. Dispatchers from Elsewhere: See the commercials during Better Call Saul; looks interesting, but also looks weird. Worth it? 2. The Sinner (Season 3): I watched the first 2 seasons, but know absolutely nothing about season 3.
  3. Hahaha. Misread this....thought you wrote 10 minutes, which would've been a great way to weed out the stupid. That or it can be cured by eating Tide pods.
  4. A doctor and researcher developed her own test in Washington. Because of all the bureaucracy she couldn't use it - she decided to side step the government and was the one who caught that initial cluster in Washington. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/us/coronavirus-testing-delays.html
  5. I was listening to a podcast and the epidemiologist being interviewed said that as a country we are over-reacting and under-reacting at the same time. And the under-reaction is causing the over-reaction. I'll try to summarize: -We have tested (as of yesterday) 8,000 people total. In comparison South Korea is testing 10,000 a day. The lack of urgency to get test kits a month ago put us behind the ball. -Being able to test earlier would have allowed us to locate clusters. Thus, only quarantining those areas instead of having a mass panic and trying to quarantine everything. We don't know who has the virus and what areas it is most prevalent in. If you don't know this info; it's hard to minimize the spread. -Apparently a million testing kits were supposed to be here last week. They still aren't here. -Don't panic when we start testing more people because the number of infected are going to jump greatly. This information is good (despite the bad results it may show) because it's going to allow us to locate clusters, which is a whole lot better than running around like chicken with our heads cut off. This is the first step in flattening the curve. What doesn't help is people trying to minimize the virus as a 'hoax' or a 'political ploy' or saying it's 'not as bad as the flu' or saying 'it's okay to go to work if you have symptoms'. Every one of those theories or thoughts have been proven untrue. Don't freak out, but also take it seriously and don't spread misinformation.
  6. I never listen to Dakich, but I wanted to hear that Wayne Winston interview, which was great. He confirmed a lot of stuff we all have been talking about. -Don't have Brunk and TJD on the floor at the same time. -Assist numbers are low because we don't drive the lane and kick out - a result of having two bigs in the paint. -We are getting killed on hedges. -Rob and Green on the floor at the same time is not a good combo (at the beginning of the season I was wondering why they didn't play together, but we have been learning why ever since December.) And then I listened to the beginning of the podcast, which just made me shake my head. I know Dakich's reputation of being a know at all, but I thought his show was an extension of his play by play commentary (which I really don't mind). Wow, talk about somebody who is divisive. I guess I'm just a little disappointed of a former player and coach I used to respect. He has the ability to offer insightful analysis but for some reason feels the need to bloody the waters for no good reason. I hate this culture of relentlessly attacking people who don't agree with you. Ironically, when I went to watch Dakich speak at an event about 10 years ago all that he talked about is healthy culture. It seems as he's created a persona and his fed into it while his exposure online and in the media increased. Somewhere along the way it seems he lost himself. ....I'll continue not to listen.
  7. I think there's a fine line between adding a OAD and building around them. In a perfect world, I'd rather win without a bunch of OADs (or none) - I'd like to win with guys you can see progress for 3-4 years. But if a OAD (or two) is going to come in and help us do that I wouldn't mind that either. It's like if somebody told me that I could have an all expense paid trip to Fiji or the Maldives. I've always wanted to go to Fiji, but if I was forced to go to the Maldives I wouldn't mind. On the other hand, I'd rather win a NC with 4 OADs then not make the tournament again. Perhaps that'd be a trip to Mexico in the scenario I painted above - I still wouldn't mind vacationing there either. Maybe when we start winning something (anything) then we can complain about how we are winning.
  8. I consider any major decision I make regarding mine and my family's future a business decision. Guess I'm going to hell. šŸ”„šŸ˜•šŸ”„
  9. Arguably, he could have possible been drafted higher too. Look at Darius Garland. That was a risk and sacrifice he made in our favor.
  10. Thanks for the info. Upside or room for improvement is one thing, but he needs that desire to max out his upside. If he even has has half of the desire that Vic had to improve, he'll have a bright future. Vic's progression was almost non-human. I remember thinking Sheehey was going to be the best of the two after their freshman year. That sophomore to junior year leap is something I'm not sure we'll ever see again.
  11. I think that Butler is a Top 10 guy, BUT as mentioned he's stubborn and can disrupt the locker room and most importantly he played for Thibs. He's borderline top ten now, but for how long? I think that teams may be frightened of the wear and tear on his body. I think he lead the league in minutes played in 3 of the last 5 years he played for Thibs - and was in the top 5 for the other 2 years. That said, I think giving up that 5th year is pretty surprising.
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