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UNC Goes Before NCAA Today

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Cheater U. finally gets its day before the committee on infractions today, to make its case. The argument is the NCAA doesnt have a say in academic fraud cases. Other students were allowed to take the classes so it doesn't meet the extra benefits rule. UNC should be glad that i'm not sitting on that committee today sitting in judgement. My first question would be how stupid are you. My next question would be do you think 10 years probation, 5 years no NCAA tournaments or playoff games for any team that had players in the classes, one scholarship lost for each player in the classes for as many years they took the classes. 10 show cause for each coach over seeing those players. Forfeit of every game won and money earned during the time the cheating occurred. What do you think UNC? Is that enough pay back for 20 plus years of cheating? I don't think so either.

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UNC will not be penalized or lightly penalized.  The NCAA won't do anything to them.  They should have been given the death penalty, immediately after it was discovered.  Instead, if they do get any penalties, people not involved will be penalized... the current players, administrators, etc.  Just like Calipari, the people who follow the cheaters get the penalties.

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9 minutes ago, milehiiu said:

"The NCAA was so mad at Kentucky, they gave Cleveland State two more years of probation...... Jerry Tarkanian.

Jerry Tarkanian always liked a good fight, as NCAA learned the hard way - LA Times


I knew someone would lol....but really how long is this gonna drag out? UNC has a bunch of good players that I wouldn't mind seeing transfer out to other schools,,,,,

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1 hour ago, newhavenwarford said:

I knew someone would lol....but really how long is this gonna drag out? UNC has a bunch of good players that I wouldn't mind seeing transfer out to other schools,,,,,

Could be the end of this year, before we hear back from the NCAA.   At least that is what I have read.

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6 minutes ago, newhavenwarford said:

Is UNC lawyers dragging this out?

In this instance. It is the NCAA.  Deliberating after the COI.  Part of the process.  However, once the NCAA comes with their decision.... UNC can challenge that decision, if they chose to..... further stretching this mess out even longer. 

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3 hours ago, 68Hoosier said:

Any updates on this?  I haven't seen anything since the last meeting with the NCAA. 

Pretty sure we won't hear anything till the end of the year.... at the earliest.

Reason, why we heard about IU's so much faster after the COI .... was due to leaks.  Plus the fact that IU did not fight the NCAA, and self-imposed.

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16 hours ago, milehiiu said:

Pretty sure we won't hear anything till the end of the year.... at the earliest.

Reason, why we heard about IU's so much faster after the COI .... was due to leaks.  Plus the fact that IU did not fight the NCAA, and self-imposed.

Thanks Mile! 

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