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All of the NBA talk has been in the Hoosiers thread and that’s been annoying me for a while now so I’ll start this one. 

It looks like the Pacers will end up with about 22m in cap space. I really need to get more in tune with that because I’ve also seen 12.5m bounced around as well so hopefully someone with more knowledge about that can comment about what we should be doing this offseason. It seems like the ‘open secret’ is that Smart is the biggest name we might pick up.

I’ve also seen calls for Yogi on twitter. That would be nice but I don’t see how that’s a smart option at this point.

What’s your thoughts on the off-season?

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And just a few days after the Mavs gave Yogi a qualifying offer, there’s this.  It NEVER made any sense to me why Ulis was viewed as a consensus draft pick in 2016 while Yogi was not.  Ulis was a typical overhyped UK prospect.  Not at all surprised Yogi has had the better career thus far.

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1 hour ago, FW_Hoosier said:

And just a few days after the Mavs gave Yogi a qualifying offer, there’s this.  It NEVER made any sense to me why Ulis was viewed as a consensus draft pick in 2016 while Yogi was not.  Ulis was a typical overhyped UK prospect.  Not at all surprised Yogi has had the better career thus far.

I've always thought the same. I can't see anything beyond the typical slobbering over the squid's recruits. 

Yogi is better.  The NBA agrees.

It's also an argument that Ulis may have left too soon.

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1 hour ago, FKIM01 said:

I've always thought the same. I can't see anything beyond the typical slobbering over the squid's recruits. 

Yogi is better.  The NBA agrees.

It's also an argument that Ulis may have left too soon.

To your last point, I don’t think so.  You go when your stock is at its highest, and I think Ulis’s stock would have only dropped the long he stayed in college (see Melo Trimble for an example of this).  You also have to take into account that as is usual at UK, Cal recruited over him for the following year.  He would have had to struggle for playing time with Fox and Monk in the backcourt, both of whom were probably better than him.

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Paul George deal. Makes zero sense numbers wise. This isn't a Pacers revisionist history post. I said on day 1 Pacers won the trade (look up posting history). This post is purely in  terms of $ and whatever is going on in his brain.

1)Paul forced a trade to leave Indy. By doing so he left almost $90M on the table. Ok...cool.

2) He left that $ on the table to become a free agent and didn't take on any meetings during free agency? Dumb.

3) By signing a 4 year deal (didn't need to do that) he gives up larger pay raise he would receive 2 years from now (10 years of service). Dumb.

4) He does all this to go back to a team who has zero financial flexibility and just got ousted by a rookie in the playoffs.

Hey Paul. Nickel's worth of advice. I today could negotiate your contract better than whoever is in charge of your team.  I'd love for someone to come along and point out what I'm missing here.

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Regarding McDermott and the Pacers. Catch and shoot guy. I'll take it all day long as a 7th or 8th guy. I'm not saying Kyle Korver because he's a white guy who stands in the corner and drains 3's....but I'm saying Kyle Korver because he's a white guy who stands in the corner and shoots 3's. Nothing more nothing less. Haha.

PS...you have to overpay a little when free agency hits. I don't mind the extra $ getting a guy who can shoot. Just think if we had a guy like him vs Cavs. Not a bad move at all.

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1 hour ago, Seeking6 said:

Paul George deal. Makes zero sense numbers wise. This isn't a Pacers revisionist history post. I said on day 1 Pacers won the trade (look up posting history). This post is purely in  terms of $ and whatever is going on in his brain.

1)Paul forced a trade to leave Indy. By doing so he left almost $90M on the table. Ok...cool.

2) He left that $ on the table to become a free agent and didn't take on any meetings during free agency? Dumb.

3) By signing a 4 year deal (didn't need to do that) he gives up larger pay raise he would receive 2 years from now (10 years of service). Dumb.

4) He does all this to go back to a team who has zero financial flexibility and just got ousted by a rookie in the playoffs.

Hey Paul. Nickel's worth of advice. I today could negotiate your contract better than whoever is in charge of your team.  I'd love for someone to come along and point out what I'm missing here.

You're looking at it entirely from a Pacers fan perspective. Let's break this down objectively.

1. PG "forced" a trade after Bird traded away or lost literally every single player PG had played with in indiana, losing West and the respect of PG, West and most everyone else on the team when he publicly, and stupidly, dissed Hibbert while pushing him out the door, trading G Hill for Teague, an obvious bad move, and putting PG in the position of playing with a ball dominant PG who didn't mesh with him at all, firing Vogel, also a bizarre move , etc. etc. The team that PG was brought into was gone, from top to bottom, why would he trust the Pacers front office to do the right thing? Seriously, look at it objectively, who in the world would trust the front office at that time? Absolutely no other elite player in the League would.

2. Dumb? He believes in the OKC front office and believes he has found his place. It's dumb to look to move for more money when you found your place? Loyalty and believing you have the right fit is dumb? OK. I personally am not sure the fit with Westbrook -- with any other elite player, PG or otherwise -- will ever be right, but if this team had not brought in Melo and it was Westbrook, PG and Roberson and the big Aussie, much like that team with Durant, it would've been better. And this team was playing really well when Roberson went down, that keeps getting ignored, he is an absolute key to this team. I think they're looking forward, Melo is gone one way or the other by next year, they found a way to keep Jerami Grant, they have a core that can compete with anyone, the luxury tax is a bitch, but looks like their management is willing to bite the bullet for a year and look to the future. Pacers could learn something from that.

3. He's making well over $100 million, he's taking a pay cut going forward to allow pieces to be added, which they need, while being a part of a monster luxury tax right now. Dumb? Not at all.

4. Rookie? Donavan Mitchell is one of the better players in the League, and again the Thunder lost Roberson, who is fundamental to that team. Golly, how were they doing when he went down? 

Lot of sour grapes. I don't know why there's this need to pile on an bash the guy who was really, really good for the Pacers for years, and left after Bird totally destroyed the team he played for. The Pacers -- WITHOUT Bird and now operating under much better leadership, are looking really good for the future. Why isn't that good enough? Vic doesn't have to deal with Teague, Monta Ellis, the force-out of his best friends and who he cut his teeth playing with, being told to play the 4 immediately after coming back from a horrible leg injury that he worked hard to avoid losing his career. Good grief, PG is not a villain. 

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1 hour ago, Hoosierhoopster said:

You're looking at it entirely from a Pacers fan perspective. Let's break this down objectively.

1. PG "forced" a trade after Bird traded away or lost literally every single player PG had played with in indiana, losing West and the respect of PG, West and most everyone else on the team when he publicly, and stupidly, dissed Hibbert while pushing him out the door, trading G Hill for Teague, an obvious bad move, and putting PG in the position of playing with a ball dominant PG who didn't mesh with him at all, firing Vogel, also a bizarre move , etc. etc. The team that PG was brought into was gone, from top to bottom, why would he trust the Pacers front office to do the right thing? Seriously, look at it objectively, who in the world would trust the front office at that time? Absolutely no other elite player in the League would.

2. Dumb? He believes in the OKC front office and believes he has found his place. It's dumb to look to move for more money when you found your place? Loyalty and believing you have the right fit is dumb? OK. I personally am not sure the fit with Westbrook -- with any other elite player, PG or otherwise -- will ever be right, but if this team had not brought in Melo and it was Westbrook, PG and Roberson and the big Aussie, much like that team with Durant, it would've been better. And this team was playing really well when Roberson went down, that keeps getting ignored, he is an absolute key to this team. I think they're looking forward, Melo is gone one way or the other by next year, they found a way to keep Jerami Grant, they have a core that can compete with anyone, the luxury tax is a bitch, but looks like their management is willing to bite the bullet for a year and look to the future. Pacers could learn something from that.

3. He's making well over $100 million, he's taking a pay cut going forward to allow pieces to be added, which they need, while being a part of a monster luxury tax right now. Dumb? Not at all.

4. Rookie? Donavan Mitchell is one of the better players in the League, and again the Thunder lost Roberson, who is fundamental to that team. Golly, how were they doing when he went down? 

Lot of sour grapes. I don't know why there's this need to pile on an bash the guy who was really, really good for the Pacers for years, and left after Bird totally destroyed the team he played for. The Pacers -- WITHOUT Bird and now operating under much better leadership, are looking really good for the future. Why isn't that good enough? Vic doesn't have to deal with Teague, Monta Ellis, the force-out of his best friends and who he cut his teeth playing with, being told to play the 4 immediately after coming back from a horrible leg injury that he worked hard to avoid losing his career. Good grief, PG is not a villain. 

Brevity might be an ally buddy.

1) My post had to do with $ and sense. No arguments on Bird but you're suggesting objectivity when you just wrote War and Peace about Bird? Ok...

2 and 3) They have almost zero financial flexibility now

4) Rookie? Yes. Rookie. 

Sour grapes? No. Just my opinion. As I said and wrote here. Pacers won the trade from Day 1 so I'm very happy how it's worked out. In terms of PG new deal time of it, $, cap flex.... You've offered nothing that changed my mind. In 800 less words too. 

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1 minute ago, 5fouls said:

Bottom line is the Pacers are better without Paula.  

All day long. Have been since last summer. OKC now has $310M tied up in hoping they get out of first round. Not necessarily the best way to structure a franchise. Reminds me of when Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder took over their respective franchises checkbooks.

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10 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

Brevity might be an ally buddy.

1) My post had to do with $ and sense. No arguments on Bird but you're suggesting objectivity when you just wrote War and Peace about Bird? Ok...

2 and 3) They have almost zero financial flexibility now

4) Rookie? Yes. Rookie. 

Sour grapes? No. Just my opinion. As I said and wrote here. Pacers won the trade from Day 1 so I'm very happy how it's worked out. In terms of PG new deal time of it, $, cap flex.... You've offered nothing that changed my mind. In 800 less words too. 

It was clearly a win for both the Thunder and the Pacers.  Vic was never going to be able to flourish like he did in Indy playing with Westbrook, who is a much better fit with PG.  The Pacers got two good/great young players on good contracts to build around for the future.  Meanwhile, the Thunder convinced Westbrook to re-sign after they landed PG, and then got PG to re-sign on a very team-friendly deal, as you said.  That’s two great/superstar players for the Thunder.  Knowing now how everything played out, the Thunder are going with PG over Vic and Sabonas every time, and vice versa for the Pacers.  And really, both teams have about the same chances of competing for a championship right now.  One of the rare win-win trades in the NBA.

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31 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

Brevity might be an ally buddy.

1) My post had to do with $ and sense. No arguments on Bird but you're suggesting objectivity when you just wrote War and Peace about Bird? Ok...

2 and 3) They have almost zero financial flexibility now

4) Rookie? Yes. Rookie. 

Sour grapes? No. Just my opinion. As I said and wrote here. Pacers won the trade from Day 1 so I'm very happy how it's worked out. In terms of PG new deal time of it, $, cap flex.... You've offered nothing that changed my mind. In 800 less words too. 

It’s Pacers’ fan goggles and sour grapes. 

Pacers  didn’t “win” the trade, they ended up good by removing Teague and getting Sabonis with Vic. That isn’t winning the trade, it just worked out, and I am a Pacers fan myself. 

Thunder flexibility is this year only, that is the point, Melo contract is gone by next season if not sooner. 

Mitchell is a stud, calling him just a rookie is a cop out.


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1 hour ago, FW_Hoosier said:

It was clearly a win for both the Thunder and the Pacers.  Vic was never going to be able to flourish like he did in Indy playing with Westbrook, who is a much better fit with PG.  The Pacers got two good/great young players on good contracts to build around for the future.  Meanwhile, the Thunder convinced Westbrook to re-sign after they landed PG, and then got PG to re-sign on a very team-friendly deal, as you said.  That’s two great/superstar players for the Thunder.  Knowing now how everything played out, the Thunder are going with PG over Vic and Sabonas every time, and vice versa for the Pacers.  And really, both teams have about the same chances of competing for a championship right now.  One of the rare win-win trades in the NBA.

Drops mic

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7 minutes ago, KoB2011 said:

I'm not your Buddy, Guy. 

Hoooster is just hyper sensitive when anyone talks bad abut PG.  To me PG lost me when he was selfish and did not do what the team asked him to do when they wanted him to play the 4 in a smaller lineup.  PG is al about himself and not the team and I just can't stand players like that. Maybe that is why I have a problem with the NBA because it is all about the individual player and not the team.

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56 minutes ago, IU Scott said:

Hoooster is just hyper sensitive when anyone talks bad abut PG.  To me PG lost me when he was selfish and did not do what the team asked him to do when they wanted him to play the 4 in a smaller lineup.  PG is al about himself and not the team and I just can't stand players like that. Maybe that is why I have a problem with the NBA because it is all about the individual player and not the team.

Didn't realize. Thanks. I'll have to be more careful as it relates to PG. Didn't know he was  protected. We'll see if this is the move OKC needed. I don't think it is for OKC...and I'm certain PG didn't get any closer today of getting those title goals he cited as so important 13 months ago. The proverbial "window" that Paul likes to reference is stuck. 


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15 minutes ago, Seeking6 said:

Didn't realize. Thanks. I'll have to be more careful as it relates to PG. Didn't know he was  protected. We'll see if this is the move OKC needed. I don't think it is for OKC...and I'm certain PG didn't get any closer today of getting those title goals he cited as so important 13 months ago. The proverbial "window" that Paul likes to reference is stuck. 


Seriously? Comical 

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1 hour ago, IU Scott said:

Hoooster is just hyper sensitive when anyone talks bad abut PG.  To me PG lost me when he was selfish and did not do what the team asked him to do when they wanted him to play the 4 in a smaller lineup.  PG is al about himself and not the team and I just can't stand players like that. Maybe that is why I have a problem with the NBA because it is all about the individual player and not the team.

Nope. And funny in context when PG us being criticized for picking the Thunder deal for less money, when he obviously could have taken more going to the Lakers and other teams that were ready to pay him better, but instead he let Thunder management know in advance that he would take their 4-year deal, for less money, so they could move forward with Grant and otherwise be ready going forward. So selfish. 

Saying silly things like I’m sensitive about him while just ignoring everything that actually happened. Nice 

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