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How an IU Freshman gained 12 pounds of muscle in under one month

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No big deal. You did add new information. I just knew I'd seen that picture before and it was the subject of some controversy about whether or not kids were flexing in the "after" pictures.  It was a pretty entertaining conversation...I recommend it for your reading pleasure.

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14 hours ago, FKIM01 said:

No big deal. You did add new information. I just knew I'd seen that picture before and it was the subject of some controversy about whether or not kids were flexing in the "after" pictures.  It was a pretty entertaining conversation...I recommend it for your reading pleasure.

I don't want to get into it....but to me it just looks like a pre-work out and post workout picture...then throw in the better lighting etc to emphasize the contrast. Also kinda looks like he has dumb bells in his hand in the second picture too imo. I see no real change really from that picture in particular at least.  I like Clif...I'm sure he is doing a great job...but I think the pictures that they release for the most part is just propaganda for their social media blitz. Another way to market to kids to come to the team. If it works..hey...great job!

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This is one of those blue dress pictures or Laurel yanny debate.  It's one month.  It's great marketing.  It may not be 100% muscle but he's clearly got some and he clearly had decent one's to begin with.  This kid may have  crazy Genes if he can add another 15-20 in the next year or so.  

How many guys do we have with the bleached frohawks?  

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It’s science! Just google it or watch a few fitness videos. 12lbs in a month is not possible. If he somehow did in a month what most do in a year that’s steriods or not possible. So yes Indykev I think Marshall is telling a white lie.

“Based on all of this, here's how fast you can expect to build muscle on average: Average Natural MAN: between 0.25and 0.5 pounds of muscle per week (or about 1-2 pounds of muscle gained per month). Average Natural WOMAN: between 0.12 – 0.25 pounds of muscle per week (or about 0.5-1 pound of muscle gained per month).”

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14 minutes ago, ADegenerate said:

I think some might not understand how much 12 pounds of muscle actually is. That’s noticable body transformation type gains. I’m sorry but I don’t see the change in his pics or buy the 6x average gain. 


You make a compelling case. I have little doubt that the staff can do great things with the conditioning and musculature of these young athletes, but I'd allow they might measure gains like they measure Yogi Ferrell's height.  If you don't think the staff is really good at transformations, take another look at Clifton Moore...holy cow!

If I had the time and discipline to go through the program they put these guys through, I'd do it.  I'd probably die in the process but man would I look good in the casket...

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12 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

You make a compelling case. I have little doubt that the staff can do great things with the conditioning and musculature of these young athletes, but I'd allow they might measure gains like they measure Yogi Ferrell's height.  If you don't think the staff is really good at transformations, take another look at Clifton Moore...holy cow!

If I had the time and discipline to go through the program they put these guys through, I'd do it.  I'd probably die in the process but man would I look good in the casket...

I’m surprised they haven’t highlighted Moore’s development yet.  He looks massive compared to what he was last season.

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6 minutes ago, FKIM01 said:

You make a compelling case. I have little doubt that the staff can do great things with the conditioning and musculature of these young athletes, but I'd allow they might measure gains like they measure Yogi Ferrell's height.  If you don't think the staff is really good at transformations, take another look at Clifton Moore...holy cow!

If I had the time and discipline to go through the program they put these guys through, I'd do it.  I'd probably die in the process but man would I look good in the casket...

Cliff Marshall and staff is doing a hell of a job and you’re right on Moore. He looks like a different person. I don’t even care that they exaggerate because that’s part of it. The only reason I even keep bringing it up is because I’m new to lifting and have been putting in some research into it lately. I happened to specifically stumble on a few videos recently that talked about the two pounds per month and the only way around that is through roids. Anything on top that is adding fat. Of course there’s genetics and swings either way so I could see some people gaining three or four but twelve? Not for me. 


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3 hours ago, ADegenerate said:

It’s science! Just google it or watch a few fitness videos. 12lbs in a month is not possible. If he somehow did in a month what most do in a year that’s steriods or not possible. So yes Indykev I think Marshall is telling a white lie.

“Based on all of this, here's how fast you can expect to build muscle on average: Average Natural MAN: between 0.25and 0.5 pounds of muscle per week (or about 1-2 pounds of muscle gained per month). Average Natural WOMAN: between 0.12 – 0.25 pounds of muscle per week (or about 0.5-1 pound of muscle gained per month).”

Adding to what others posted, between my sophomore and junior years in high school I put on 28 lbs.  8 of that in a month, sure, some of it was just teenage growth.  After graduating, lifting weights out of boredom and going between the beach and 3 hours of pickup ball, I put on 25 lbs of muscle over a summer.  I believe when your young, these gains may not be normal.  Having the facilities, the trainer, and incredible will power, these gains are very achievable.

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