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The New Fieldhouse (Gladstein)

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Thanks for the continuation of your series of homes of IUBB.

Instead of talking about my time as a student, watching IUBB in the "New Fieldhouse".  And to me it will always be the "New Fieldhouse", and in anticipation of this part of the series, I found this video of Chuck Crabb talking about the "New Fieldhouse". And the construction of Assembly Hall. Which I was able as a student to see, as well.

Hope you enjoy it.

Chuck Crabb presents the history of Gladstein Fieldhouse: The house built for George 


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Great articles. Thanks. I watched real games in the "New Fieldhouse," and then played pick up games on the floor set up in the corner of the thing when I was a student knucklehead. The floor was like playing on velvet. Beautiful. I still sucked, of course.

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