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Dawand Jones to Ohio State


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Based on who is recruiting him hard, and in view of his late bloomer status (took off his senior year) and his agility to play basketball, I suspect he's really a high four star or five star masquerading as a three star who will be a solid NFl draft pick.  Guys with that size with agility are hard to find even at the NFL level.  There's a receiver or runner at every street corner, but huge guys that can play, not so much.

From my recollection and understanding, IU was on him early and pushed hard for him but it just wasn't reciprocated.  Kevin Wilson's theory is, all things being equal, the same kid would be easier to get if he were from the south as compared to being from Indiana because Indiana kids sometimes perceive IU football as uncool whereas the southern kid doesn't have that predisposition/baggage attached to him.

I think IU has been turning this around in the last couple of years and there is momentum (Cronk, Fitzgerald, Robbins, Williams, James, et al). 

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