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Mr. Smith (or should I say Mr. Ball?)

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Maybe we should have a separate thread for this rather than hyjacking the Brunk thread?  I have a really bad feeling we will continue to have chemistry issues/unexplainable reasons why we look so bad next year if Justin is still around.  Maybe not his fault, but when you get a steady dose of crazy at home, it's tough.  I have to think it is nearly 100% jealousy of the Romeo situation.

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I would think that if a parent is making public criticism of the coach, it's likely because his son has been complaining too.  There just seems to be some sort of bad vibes with Justin.  Initially we had reports that he seemed resentful of Langford before the season began.  Then it was a disinterested attitude on the bench (wasn' t there claims he was dismissive of the coaches when he came out of a game?).

From my view in the cheap seats, the negative attitude doesn't appear to be isolated to the father Smith.

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Not apples to apples,  but in my experience of coaching at the Jr. High level,  there are times an attitude change occurs because of a parent. 

Mommy or Daddy think their kid is better than they really are.  All of a sudden,  a kid that is all in one year is a problem the next. 

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Why does it have to be certain individuals to blame? 

Newkirk went from 38 to 31, Hartman 36 to 24, RJ stayed at 37, Devonte 44 to 34.

Behind the Arc...Juwan 29, Romeo 27, Justin 22, Al 34, Rob 31, Evan 31, Damezi 23.

We had two transfers already and nobody looked happy the entire season.

Smith regressed year 2, Fitzner went from a lockdown sniper to 30%, Damezi failed to score in his last 12 games played over 67 minutes.

The offense is complete wreck and everyone is miserable because what they're being drilled to do isn't working for any of them. How's that on chemistry due to the players?


The only reason we had a chance to save our season is because Devonte started playing the way that he knows how to play instead of overly contained and then the run started.

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10 minutes ago, JWoolsey said:

Why does it have to be certain individuals to blame? 

Newkirk went from 38 to 31, Hartman 36 to 24, RJ stayed at 37, Devonte 44 to 34.

Behind the Arc...Juwan 29, Romeo 27, Justin 22, Al 34, Rob 31, Evan 31, Damezi 23.

We had two transfers already and nobody looked happy the entire season.

Smith regressed year 2, Fitzner went from a lockdown sniper to 30%, Damezi failed to score in his last 12 games played over 67 minutes.

The offense is complete wreck and everyone is miserable because what they're being drilled to do isn't working for any of them. How's that on chemistry due to the players?


The only reason we had a chance to save our season is because Devonte started playing the way that he knows how to play instead of overly contained and then the run started.

Durham's 3% increased 29% to 35%

Green's 3pt% increased 34% to 41%

Romeo's 3pt% went from 21% in his first 20 games to 35% in his last 11. 


Btw, you mention Hartman - and his own words he blamed the players while saying Archie is a hell of a coach. 




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26 minutes ago, Andy06 said:

Not apples to apples,  but in my experience of coaching at the Jr. High level,  there are times an attitude change occurs because of a parent. 

Mommy or Daddy think their kid is better than they really are.  All of a sudden,  a kid that is all in one year is a problem the next. 

this is exactly what i'm saying.  my experience is high school girls.  same thing.  if they're constantly hearing criticism of the coach at home, it's going to enter their mind more and more.  

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4 minutes ago, IndySportsPartizan said:

Durham's 3% increased 29% to 35%

Green's 3pt% increased 34% to 41%

Romeo's 3pt% went from 21% in his first 20 games to 35% in his last 11. 


Btw, you mention Hartman - and his own words he blamed the players while saying Archie is a hell of a coach. 




I love the smell of stats in the morning 


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2 minutes ago, IndySportsPartizan said:

Durham's 3% increased 29% to 35%

Green's 3pt% increased 34% to 41%

Romeo's 3pt% went from 21% in his first 20 games to 35% in his last 11. 




McRoberts went from 39 to 21, Morgan was 14/51 for 37% under crean, and Devonte started at 44 under crean. Explain to me how 213 of our 676 3's by shooters shooting in the 20's is a good idea? 

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@IndySportsPartizanif Archie is such a great coach then why do his teams always perform so poorly in big games? 


174 94 64.93%
A Level Games 23-51 31.08%
B Level Games 37-24 60.66%
A+B 60-75 44.44%
Non A+B Games 114-19 85.71%
Conference tourn nit ncaa
5-8 2-2 5-4


Crean's Last  6 years.

A Level Games 42-44 48.84%
B Level Games 25-10 71.43%
A+B 67-54



conf tourn nit ncaa
5-6 0-1 6-4


FWIW I'm open minded going into next year so let's see what happens. 


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This might be a little outside the lines, but I know who he is (not personally, just recognize him) and saw him at most of the games.  I will just tell you that with that frame of reference, I don't read his tweets so much as crazy sports parent as I do a guy that you kind of worry about a little bit and hope they are okay.  Not trying to be too cryptic there, but I think it's fair to say that it is a sensitive topic.

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1 hour ago, NCHoosier32 said:

this is exactly what i'm saying.  my experience is high school girls.  same thing.  if they're constantly hearing criticism of the coach at home, it's going to enter their mind more and more.  

The rule in our house has always been never criticize coach in front of the kids. He or she is in charge and unless I am the coach they just need to do what they are told. Most kids are good kids and most times it's hard for them to try and satisfy both the coaches and parents if they are not in agreement. 

Being a coach it has been hard but I think for a coaches wife even harder. I must say our kids have not been overly blessed with great coaches but we never expressed that in front of them 

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39 minutes ago, JWoolsey said:

@IndySportsPartizanif Archie is such a great coach then why do his teams always perform so poorly in big games? 


174 94 64.93%
A Level Games 23-51 31.08%
B Level Games 37-24 60.66%
A+B 60-75 44.44%
Non A+B Games 114-19 85.71%
Conference tourn nit ncaa
5-8 2-2 5-4


Crean's Last  6 years.

A Level Games 42-44 48.84%
B Level Games 25-10 71.43%
A+B 67-54



conf tourn nit ncaa
5-6 0-1 6-4


FWIW I'm open minded going into next year so let's see what happens. 


Went over this once before....

Lack of healthy bodies = kids playing more minutes both in games and in practices, as well as kids playing out of position = tired legs = poor shooting.



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One issue I don't see raised is the goal of "getting older".  Your team doesn't get older if you keep losing players to transfer.  We lost 2 scholarship front court players to transfer already.  There's going to be disappointed players on any team.  How the player, his family, his supporters, the coaching staff, the team, and the fans cope with the problem is important.  If they don't cope well, then the team will have problems "getting old".

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1 hour ago, JWoolsey said:

Why does it have to be certain individuals to blame? 

Newkirk went from 38 to 31, Hartman 36 to 24, RJ stayed at 37, Devonte 44 to 34.

Behind the Arc...Juwan 29, Romeo 27, Justin 22, Al 34, Rob 31, Evan 31, Damezi 23.

We had two transfers already and nobody looked happy the entire season.

Smith regressed year 2, Fitzner went from a lockdown sniper to 30%, Damezi failed to score in his last 12 games played over 67 minutes.

The offense is complete wreck and everyone is miserable because what they're being drilled to do isn't working for any of them. How's that on chemistry due to the players?


The only reason we had a chance to save our season is because Devonte started playing the way that he knows how to play instead of overly contained and then the run started.

Thanks for the inside info. I checked the coaching staff and I didn't see any coaches with the last name Woolsey. Give us some hints as to which coach you are. 

Also, does KenPom have a "happiness" or "chemistry" metric? Maybe that's over on Bart Torvik's site. 

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22 minutes ago, Steubenhoosier said:

don't know why Cletus drug your tired old bones in here, he musta owed you somethin' fierce. Fact is, mister, you start screwin' up this team, I'll personally hide-strap your ass to a pine rail and send you up the Monon Line!

Guess I should have looked first. 

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Don't approve of the father lipping off publicly, but you all know how I feel about public criticism of current players...I just don't see anything positive coming from this.  With dad being publicly critical of the coaching staff though, I'd almost be surprised if Justin stays. I hope he does and I hope he takes a big leap forward, but I wish in the meantime, dad would SHUT THE HELL UP.  It's hard for me to believe that he is completely oblivious to the damage he's doing.  Butt out, dad...you are NOT helping.

Justin is intelligent and has potential.  If the rumor from last season is true, i give him a complete pass on his demeanor.  Whatever was wrong and whether he stays or not, I wish him nothing but the best.  Know this though...I really hope he comes roaring back next season and silences everyone who questioned him. 

I wish I were optimistic of that happening. 

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